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發(fā)布時間:2019-01-23 21:41
[Abstract]:The concept of perceptual education emphasizes on the student-centered and advocates that it internalize the individual experience in the process of repeatedly listening and perceiving the teaching content and then effectively improve the efficiency of art education. The concept of perceptual art education can be realized through the construction of mobile cloud platform. The mobile cloud platform of art teaching can realize the integration and utilization of art teaching resources, and facilitate students to listen and feel works of art in piecemeal time. However, the design of this platform should pay attention to the basic structure and the teaching function module. The platform data fragment integration construction and so on three big aspects.
【作者單位】: 湖南省建設人力資源協(xié)會職校委員會;湖南城建職業(yè)技術學院;


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