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發(fā)布時間:2019-01-10 14:48
【摘要】: 魯迅和梁實秋都是中國近代文壇大家,也是譯壇大家,19世紀30年代左右二者有關翻譯問題進行了一場激烈的論戰(zhàn),有關這場論戰(zhàn)前人也已進行了諸多的研究,與以往研究不同的是,此次研究并不是從語言學角度分析兩人的翻譯技巧,也不對兩人翻譯論戰(zhàn)的是非功過進行評價,而是從操控論角度出發(fā),研究操控論各要素是怎樣操控二者對翻譯各方面的看法從而引發(fā)了他們之間這場激烈的翻譯論戰(zhàn)的,以及通過操控的結果來窺探二者有關翻譯各方面看法的分歧所在。 操控論將為魯迅和梁實秋二者翻譯思想的對比研究提供新的理論依據(jù)和研究視角。在操控理論各方面操控因素的指導下,魯迅和梁實秋二者的翻譯思想在當時二者特定的社會背景下有其各自的合理性和必要性,二者有關翻譯方面的論爭也存在著不可避免性。本論文以操控理論為基礎,深入探討魯迅梁實秋有關翻譯方方面面的論爭,擬在探討論爭背后的真正操控動因,并且為操控翻譯研究和翻譯對比研究帶來一些新的啟示。 此項研究是對操控理論研究的進一步深化。操控理論中的意識形態(tài)和詩學是指社會主流意識形態(tài)和主流詩學,魯迅和梁實秋有關翻譯的論爭發(fā)生在相同的時代背景下,相同的時代背景毫無疑問有著相同的社會主流意識形態(tài)和主流詩學,二者在相同的社會主流意識形態(tài)和主流詩學的操控作用下應該對翻譯有著相同或相似的看法,然而二者的翻譯論爭證明了他們對翻譯有著截然不同的看法。因此,二者的翻譯思想除了受到社會主流意識形態(tài)和主流詩學的操控作用之外,同時也受到各自周圍集體意識形態(tài)和詩學的操控,并且在社會主流意識形態(tài)和主流詩學以及各自周圍的集體意識形態(tài)和集體詩學操控作用下,譯者更多的是受到自身周圍集體意識形態(tài)和集體詩學的操控,從而也說明了社會主流意識形態(tài)和主流詩學對翻譯操控的相對性。 此外,目標讀者對翻譯的操控研究是對操控理論研究的一個補充。譯者所意指的目標讀者對翻譯也有著一定的操控,怎樣滿足目標讀者對翻譯的“期待視野”是譯者在整個翻譯過程中都要考慮的問題。因此在這篇論文中目標讀者也將作為操控因素來研究魯迅和梁實秋之間翻譯思想的分歧。 從意識形態(tài)和詩學操控方面來講,對魯迅和梁實秋的翻譯思想的對比研究是對操控理論的進一步深化,而在目標讀者操控方面是對操控理論所做的一點補充。操控因素操控的相對性也說明了集體意識形態(tài)和詩學可以用于對同時代的譯家對比研究。
[Abstract]:Lu Xun and Liang Shiqiu are both members of modern Chinese literary circles and translation circles. In the 1830s or so, there was a heated debate between the two on translation issues, and many previous studies have been conducted on this debate. Different from previous studies, this study does not analyze their translation skills from a linguistic point of view, nor does they evaluate the merits and demerits of their translation debates, but rather from the perspective of manipulation. The study of how the elements of manipulation manipulate their views on various aspects of translation has led to this fierce debate on translation between them, and through the results of manipulation to explore the differences in their views on various aspects of translation. Manipulation theory will provide a new theoretical basis and perspective for the contrastive study of the translation thoughts of Lu Xun and Liang Shiqiu. Under the guidance of manipulation theory, the translation thoughts of Lu Xun and Liang Shiqiu had their own rationality and necessity under the specific social background of the two countries at that time, and the controversy about translation between them was inevitable. On the basis of manipulation theory, this thesis makes a thorough study of Lu Xun Liang Shiqiu's controversy on translation, and intends to explore the real manipulation behind the controversy and bring some new enlightenment to the manipulation of translation studies and translation contrastive studies. This study is a further deepening of the theory of manipulation. The ideology and poetics in manipulation theory refer to the social mainstream ideology and the mainstream poetics. The controversy about translation between Lu Xun and Liang Shiqiu takes place under the same background of the times. There is no doubt that the same background of the times has the same social mainstream ideology and mainstream poetics, and they should have the same or similar views on translation under the control of the same social mainstream ideology and mainstream poetics. However, the controversy between them proves that they have different views on translation. Therefore, their translation thoughts are not only controlled by the mainstream ideology and poetics, but also by the collective ideology and poetics around them. Moreover, under the influence of social mainstream ideology, mainstream poetics and collective ideology and collective poetics around them, translators are more manipulated by collective ideology and collective poetics around themselves. It also illustrates the relativity of social mainstream ideology and mainstream poetics to translation manipulation. In addition, target readers' manipulation of translation is a complement to the study of manipulation theory. The target readers of the translator also have a certain degree of control over translation. How to satisfy the target readers'"horizon of expectation" of translation is a problem which should be considered by the translator in the whole process of translation. Therefore, the target readers will act as manipulative factors to study the translation differences between Lu Xun and Liang Shiqiu. From the aspect of ideology and poetic manipulation, the contrastive study on the translation thoughts of Lu Xun and Liang Shiqiu is a further deepening of manipulation theory, and a little supplement to manipulation theory in target readers' manipulation. The relativism of manipulation also shows that collective ideology and poetics can be used in the comparative study of contemporary translators.


相關期刊論文 前1條

1 董洋萍;;社會主流意識形態(tài)和個人意識形態(tài)之間的較量——魯迅、梁實秋翻譯選材對比研究[J];濮陽職業(yè)技術學院學報;2013年03期

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1 李清鈺;兒童文學翻譯作品中兒童形象及游戲精神的變化[D];上海外國語大學;2012年





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