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發(fā)布時間:2019-01-07 09:55
【摘要】:本文是一篇英漢翻譯實(shí)踐報告,所翻譯的文本選自《萊特兄弟》(The Wright Brothers)。這是一部人物傳記小說。譯者翻譯了該書第二部分,即第5到第8章。譯者所譯部分主要講述了萊特兄弟通過無數(shù)次的實(shí)驗(yàn),從“飛行者”號到“飛行者”三號,歷經(jīng)挫折最終大獲成功的傳奇故事。本翻譯報告包括四個部分,分別是翻譯項目概況、原文背景、翻譯難點(diǎn)與方法及翻譯實(shí)踐總結(jié)。報告先通過介紹該翻譯實(shí)踐項目的背景信息,闡述了其翻譯目標(biāo)和意義;然后從作者和作品的內(nèi)容及風(fēng)格方面介紹了原文背景。第三章是本報告的重點(diǎn),譯者舉例分析了翻譯中遇到的難點(diǎn)和嘗試采用的翻譯方法。例如,針對因英漢文化不同造成的“詞義空缺”現(xiàn)象,譯者嘗試采用“套譯法”和“注釋法”;針對原文高頻率使用長句、難句,譯者使用了“分譯法”和“變序譯法”。報告最后一部分,譯者總結(jié)了此次翻譯實(shí)踐的翻譯經(jīng)驗(yàn),并提出譯者有待提高的地方。該翻譯實(shí)踐報告為傳記類小說的翻譯提供了參考,也為漢語讀者了解萊特兄弟不畏挫折、堅持夢想的故事提供了閱讀資料。
[Abstract]:This paper is a practical report on English-Chinese translation. The translated text is selected from (The Wright Brothers). This is a biographical novel. The translator translated the second part of the book, chapters 5 to 8. The translator's translation mainly tells the legend of the Wright brothers' great success through numerous experiments, from the Flying Man to the Flying Man 3. This translation report consists of four parts: a survey of translation projects, background of the original text, translation difficulties and methods, and a summary of translation practice. The paper first introduces the background information of the translation practice project, and then introduces the background of the original text from the aspects of the author and the content and style of the work. The third chapter is the focus of the present report. The translator gives examples of the difficulties encountered in translation and attempts to adopt translation methods. For example, in view of the phenomenon of "word meaning vacancy" caused by different cultures in English and Chinese, the translator tries to use "set translation" and "annotation method", and for the high frequency of the original text, the translator uses the "split translation method" and "variable order translation method" for the use of long sentences and difficult sentences in the original text. In the last part of the report, the translator summarizes the translation experience of this translation practice and points out the areas for improvement. The translation practice report provides a reference for the translation of biographical novels as well as a reading material for Chinese readers to learn about the Wright brothers who are not afraid of setbacks and persist in their dreams.




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