

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-13 10:05

  本文選題:文藝現(xiàn)象 + 文藝創(chuàng)作 ; 參考:《粵海風(fēng)》2016年06期

[Abstract]:What is literary and art criticism? ci Hai is expounded as follows: under a certain cultural background, a certain point of view is used to discuss and evaluate literary works, writers and artists, literary trends of thought, and literary movements.Generally speaking, there are two kinds of literary criticism, macro and micro.The macro criticism of literature and art focuses on the comprehensive study of literary and artistic phenomena.Micro-criticism of literature and art focuses on the analysis of specific, individual literary phenomena or works.Thus, it can be seen that the object of literary and art criticism is literary phenomenon, and the discussion and evaluation of literary and artistic phenomena is the basic function of literary and art criticism. [1] as a mirror of literary and artistic creation, a good medicine is given to literary criticism.
【作者單位】: 清遠(yuǎn)市文藝評(píng)論家協(xié)會(huì);


相關(guān)期刊論文 前7條

1 李運(yùn)摶;從文化角度研究文藝現(xiàn)象的三個(gè)把握[J];江海學(xué)刊;2001年05期

2 彭定安;;今日文藝之我見[J];藝術(shù)廣角;2011年02期

3 趙慧平;文藝現(xiàn)象的“超文本”存在與批評(píng)活動(dòng)的編碼[J];文藝爭(zhēng)鳴;2002年06期

4 涂曉龐;;運(yùn)用馬克思主義文藝?yán)碚撎接懳乃嚞F(xiàn)象[J];商業(yè)文化(下半月);2012年05期

5 王德勝;堅(jiān)守理性陣地與大眾對(duì)話趨向[J];文藝研究;1993年01期

6 陳宏在;;關(guān)于文藝現(xiàn)象的簡(jiǎn)化處理——文藝學(xué)研究方法論中的一個(gè)問(wèn)題[J];華中師范大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào)(哲學(xué)社會(huì)科學(xué)版);1986年01期

7 ;[J];;年期

相關(guān)會(huì)議論文 前1條

1 王先霈;;資本主義生產(chǎn)同藝術(shù)和詩(shī)歌的敵對(duì)性[A];全國(guó)馬列文藝論著研究會(huì)學(xué)術(shù)研討會(huì)論文集[C];2001年

相關(guān)重要報(bào)紙文章 前1條

1 董學(xué)文;科學(xué)地解釋復(fù)雜的文藝現(xiàn)象[N];文藝報(bào);2011年

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1 胡s,




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