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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-12 22:33

  本文選題:顧仲彝 + 改譯劇。 參考:《北京外國語大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Gu Zhongyi (1903.12.12-1965.02.07) is a famous Chinese dramatist, translator and educator, who has made great contributions to the development of Chinese drama.Throughout his life, Gu Zhongyi, as a dramatist, wrote and translated many plays and participated unswervingly in the important course of the Chinese drama movement. As a translator, Gu Zhongyi attached great importance to introducing foreign plays to our readers.As an educator Gu Zhongyi personally founded the Shanghai Drama Experimental School (the predecessor of the Shanghai Academy of Drama) and trained many talents in the field of drama in China.This study is based on Gu Zhongyi's retranslation of drama. As the largest dramatist in the history of Chinese modern drama, Gu Zhongyi created 22 revised plays from 1925 to 1947, many of which were staged all year round.It has become a classic in the history of Chinese modern drama.Translation modification is a process of integrating foreign drama into Chinese native country based on the needs of our own people. How the translator conveys the social and cultural significance through the translation of the revised works reflects the translator's thoughts and vision.Based on Gu Zhongyi's education, teaching and drama activities in his life, this paper probes into the relationship between his translation practice and his specific drama activities, so as to understand more comprehensively the original intention, purpose and significance of the translation modification.Secondly, Gu Zhongyi, as a dramatist and educator, took the initiative to express his thoughts of social education through the translation of drama.In the two most important periods of the development of Chinese modern dramas, the May 4th Movement and the War of Resistance against Japan, Gu Zhongyi expressed his concern for social problems through the translation of different plays, hoping to play the role of social education in the drama.In order to promote the progress of the people, stimulate patriotism and love for the people, cultivate noble ideas and sentiments, so as to reform and improve the society.For example, the retranslation of "the beginning of Man", through the protagonist Chamberlain's fall from an upright elementary school teacher in the world of money, expresses the playwright's satire and criticism of the money society, in the context of the War of Resistance against Japan.In the context of the added War of Resistance, the meaning of "stingy" has been purposefully changed, and through "covetous people", it refers to the selfishness involved in the national disaster.An egoist who only seeks the self-preservation of the "ego" and ignores the national distress; the retranslation of "Melo Xiang", under the background of the flourishing "May 4th" social problem drama, has aroused the regret and lamentation of the audience with the image of a "fallen Nora" actress.With her tragic love tragedy, the audience discussed the fate of women.Finally, the essence of the translation of drama is for stage performance.In the process of translation, Gu Zhongyi has made important consideration from three aspects: "language" and "stage action" and "setting". Through these three aspects, the Western works, which are very different from Chinese culture, have been incorporated into the Chinese soil.Completed the transformation of heterogeneous culture, won the audience and the national identity of the times.The appendix part of the author according to the existing data analysis and supplement, and collate Gu Zhongyi's revised repertoire list and Gu Zhongyi life summary table, and through the application database,The index of newspapers and periodicals of the Republic of China has collected all kinds of information about Gu Zhongyi's drama practice activities and the texts of his operas, sorted out the situation of the operas performed from 1937 to 1945, and made a certain supplement to the existing studies.


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1 丁敏;席勒在中國:1840-2008[D];上海外國語大學;2009年

2 楊新宇;復旦劇社與中國現(xiàn)代話劇運動[D];復旦大學;2005年

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2 吳曉波;抗戰(zhàn)時期淪陷區(qū)話劇研究[D];山東大學;2011年

3 林可;論校園戲劇在中國現(xiàn)代戲劇建構中的作用[D];浙江師范大學;2011年

4 周蓉;比較視野中的1930-1940年代中國話劇研究[D];南昌大學;2009年

5 陳曉飛;《娜拉》的中國改寫(1914-1948)[D];天津師范大學;2006年

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