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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-11 13:46

  本文選題:圖畫故事書 + 兒童讀者的特點; 參考:《河北大學》2009年碩士論文

【摘要】:圖畫故事書是兒童“人生第一本書”,閱讀圖畫故事書是兒童通向流暢的、獨立的閱讀過程中的一個不可逾越階段。圖畫故事書對兒童發(fā)展具有獨特的價值。國外的圖畫故事書經(jīng)過300多年的洗煉,其創(chuàng)作理念、創(chuàng)作技術與手法已非常成熟,并趨向專業(yè)化。由于傳統(tǒng)的對圖畫故事書的輕視和誤解觀點,我國圖畫故事書的創(chuàng)作與出版仍處于起步階段,為了讓兒童可以接觸到優(yōu)秀的圖畫故事書,我國引進了國外很多圖畫故事書,但針對圖畫故事書翻譯的研究還很少,譯者在翻譯的過程中無從考證自己的翻譯優(yōu)劣,圖畫故事書在英譯漢的過程中出現(xiàn)了很多值得商榷的地方。國外圖畫故事書的翻譯跟其他類型的兒童文學的翻譯又有什么不同之處?圖畫故事書究竟應該如何翻譯,應當遵循何種原則? 本文對圖畫故事書進行定義、給出了其基本翻譯理論、提供了其翻譯原則和方法,主要進行了以下幾個方面的工作: (1)綜述了圖畫故事書國內(nèi)、外的發(fā)展,在深入探討的基礎上給出了圖畫故事書的定義,歸納了圖畫故事書具有的特征。對目前圖畫故事書翻譯研究工作情況進行較為詳盡的調(diào)研。 (2)圍繞如何針對圖畫故事書的讀者(兒童)特點進行翻譯這一問題進行了詳細的分析,為譯文應該采用的語言特點提供參考。詳細闡述了圖畫故事書的翻譯基本理論(兒童本位理論和接受美學理論)的具體內(nèi)容,給出了兒童本位與接受美學兩基本理論對翻譯圖畫故事書的啟示。 (3)對大量的英文圖畫故事書和中文譯本進行分析,根據(jù)兒童特點、圖畫故事書本身的特點和圖畫故事書的翻譯理論,就圖畫故事書的英譯漢進行了闡述。
[Abstract]:Picture story book is the first book of children's life. Reading picture story book is an insurmountable stage in which children can read freely and independently.The picture story book has the unique value to the child development.After more than 300 years of washing and refining, overseas picture and story books have become very mature and specialized in their creative ideas, techniques and techniques.Because of the traditional contempt and misunderstanding of picture story books, the creation and publication of picture story books in our country is still in its infancy. In order to let children have access to excellent picture story books, many foreign picture story books have been introduced into our country.However, there are few studies on the translation of picture-story books, and translators cannot prove their own translation merits or demerits in the process of translation. There are a lot of questionable points in the picture-story books in the course of English-to-Chinese 's translation.What is the difference between the translation of foreign picture and story books and the translation of other types of children's literature?How should picture story books be translated and what principles should be followed?This paper defines the picture story book, gives its basic translation theory, provides its translation principles and methods, and mainly does the following work:1) the development of picture story book at home and abroad is summarized, the definition of picture story book is given on the basis of deep discussion, and the characteristics of picture story book are summarized.This paper makes a detailed research on the translation of picture and story books.A detailed analysis is made on how to translate the characteristics of the readers (children) of the picture and story books in order to provide a reference for the language features that should be adopted in the translation.This paper expounds in detail the specific contents of the basic theories of the translation of picture story books (children-based theory and receptive aesthetics theory), and gives the enlightenment of the two basic theories of child-centered and receptive aesthetics to the translation of picture-story books.This paper analyzes a large number of English picture story books and Chinese translations. According to the characteristics of children, the characteristics of picture story books and the translation theory of picture story books, English-to-Chinese of picture story books is expounded.


相關期刊論文 前5條

1 江凌;兒童本位:在暢銷與平寂之間[J];中國編輯;2003年03期

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3 康長運,唐子煜;圖畫書本質(zhì)特點研析[J];大學出版;2002年02期

4 張思永;王慧敏;;歸化還是異化——談影響翻譯策略選擇的若干因素[J];廣西社會科學;2007年10期

5 謝清風;中國圖畫書的未來──讀松居直的《我的圖畫書論》[J];中國圖書評論;2000年09期

相關碩士學位論文 前1條

1 應承霏;英語兒童文學的漢譯策略[D];南京師范大學;2007年





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