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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-10 07:41

  本文選題:關(guān)聯(lián)理論 切入點:《紅樓夢》 出處:《海外英語》2016年17期

[Abstract]:"A dream of Red Mansions" in the original use of a large number of allusions, they appear in the dialogue characters of the poetry. The title of Allusions in language especially concise and beautiful, contains a profound cultural heritage. Chinese due to scouring language allusions, connotation is rich, so for the translator, not only want to put it in the form of and want to the content transfer to foreign readers do not understand the Chinese culture is not easy. Relevance theory provides a perspective for the study of chapters in allusion translation. Through the comparative analysis of two English versions of "a dream of Red Mansions", to study in the two versions of chapters in the translation of allusions from the perspective of relevance theory, translators adopt inquiry what kind of translation strategies, in order to achieve optimal relevance.

【作者單位】: 天津商業(yè)大學外國語學院;


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