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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-09 14:46

  本文選題:文本理論 切入點(diǎn):西方文論 出處:《南京社會(huì)科學(xué)》2016年08期

[Abstract]:Text theory is an important theory in western literary theory in the 20th century that attaches importance to the relationship between the text itself and the reader's interpretation.The strong development of various forms of text theory has different influence on the phenomenon of compulsory interpretation.The text theory of language object stubbornly uses linguistic method to study literature, although it is based on the text, but the compulsion in the methodological sense is very obvious, the readers' aesthetic interpretation of text theory pays close attention to the relationship between the text characteristics and the readers' interaction.It is pointed out that the interaction is more than the compulsory intervention of one aspect, which accurately and effectively explains the natural process of reading and appreciating the text, while the theory of discourse ideology text emphasizes the social intervention function of the text as a practical way of ideographic practice.In advocating the cultural study of literature, the phenomenon of leading the way of view is more prominent, and it is the compulsory interpretation in the true sense.Scientific literary research should absorb the advantages of various text theories, explore its aesthetic characteristics and social functions on the basis of the objective existence of text, and avoid the bad tendency of "forced interpretation".
【作者單位】: 魯東大學(xué)文學(xué)院;


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