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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-08 19:14

  本文選題:藝術(shù)價(jià)值 切入點(diǎn):價(jià)值觀 出處:《聊城大學(xué)》2010年碩士論文

【摘要】:在現(xiàn)當(dāng)代藝術(shù)哲學(xué)領(lǐng)域,藝術(shù)價(jià)值問題受到越來越多的關(guān)注。藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀,作為認(rèn)知過程中主體對藝術(shù)價(jià)值的評判,對整個(gè)藝術(shù)的發(fā)展有著十分重要的現(xiàn)實(shí)意義。目前,我國正處于社會發(fā)展的轉(zhuǎn)型期,新興電子傳播媒介和大眾日常審美心態(tài)的改變極大地沖擊了原有的藝術(shù)形態(tài)和價(jià)值規(guī)范,各種藝術(shù)思潮、藝術(shù)觀念相互沖撞,帶來了一系列的沖突和危機(jī),這種沖突和危機(jī)的實(shí)質(zhì)就是藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀的沖突和危機(jī)。在這種情況下,通過對藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀的合理性研究,有助于我們從理論的高度透視、評判各種藝術(shù)現(xiàn)象和藝術(shù)思潮沖撞背后所隱藏著的藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀念的糾結(jié)問題,從而幫助人們在新的歷史條件下自覺變革、整合藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀,適應(yīng)現(xiàn)代化轉(zhuǎn)型的需要。 本文主要采用文獻(xiàn)研究法和比較研究的方法,以解釋學(xué)、美學(xué)和價(jià)值哲學(xué)作為理論基礎(chǔ),以藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀的概念厘定和合理性內(nèi)涵作為邏輯起點(diǎn),通過對藝術(shù)理論史上各個(gè)時(shí)期藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀的梳理,揭示了藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀合理性的評價(jià)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。 本課題研究內(nèi)容共分三部分: 第一部分藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀的合理性闡釋。首先通過對價(jià)值本質(zhì)的追問,重構(gòu)解釋學(xué)視角下的價(jià)值概念,并以此為基礎(chǔ),通過對藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀與其他相關(guān)概念的辨析,厘定藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀的概念,確定研究的范圍。其次,在價(jià)值哲學(xué)的基礎(chǔ)上對合理性問題進(jìn)行界說,分析合理性的內(nèi)涵及其在藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀理論體系中的作用。 第二部分藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀諸理論形態(tài)及其合理性。通過對藝術(shù)理論史上各個(gè)時(shí)期藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀的梳理和歸納,將藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀分為功利主義藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀、審美主義藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀和解構(gòu)主義藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀,并對各理論形態(tài)的合理性進(jìn)行了全面剖析,為藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀合理性評價(jià)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的確立提供了依據(jù)。 第三部分藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀的合理性評價(jià)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。在對不同價(jià)值取向的藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀進(jìn)行全面分析的基礎(chǔ)上進(jìn)一步研究藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀合理性的評價(jià)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)問題,探討藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀合目的性、合規(guī)律性與合情感性的內(nèi)涵,論證了藝術(shù)價(jià)值觀的合理性評價(jià)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)為合目的性、合規(guī)律性與合情感性的統(tǒng)一。
[Abstract]:In the field of contemporary art philosophy, more and more attention has been paid to the value of art.Artistic values, as the main body in the cognitive process of the evaluation of artistic value, the development of the whole art has a very important practical significance.At present, our country is in the transition period of social development. The changes of the new electronic media and the daily aesthetic mentality of the public have greatly impacted on the original art form and value norms, and various artistic trends of thought and artistic ideas collide with each other.It brings a series of conflicts and crises, the essence of which is the conflict and crisis of artistic values.In this case, by studying the rationality of artistic values, it is helpful for us to judge the entanglement of artistic values hidden behind all kinds of artistic phenomena and trends of thought from the perspective of theory.In order to help people in the new historical conditions of conscious change, the integration of artistic values, to meet the needs of modern transformation.This paper mainly adopts the method of literature research and comparative study, taking hermeneutics, aesthetics and philosophy of value as the theoretical basis, and taking the concept of artistic values and the connotation of rationality as the logical starting point.Through combing the artistic values in each period in the history of art theory, this paper reveals the evaluation standard of the rationality of artistic values.The subject is divided into three parts:The first part explains the rationality of artistic values.First of all, by questioning the essence of value, reconstructing the concept of value from the perspective of hermeneutics, and based on this, through the analysis of artistic values and other related concepts, to determine the concept of artistic values and determine the scope of the study.Secondly, the rationality is defined on the basis of the philosophy of value, and the connotation of rationality and its role in the theoretical system of artistic values are analyzed.The second part is the theoretical form and rationality of artistic values.Through combing and summing up the artistic values of each period in the history of art theory, the artistic values are divided into utilitarian artistic values, aesthetic artistic values and deconstructionist artistic values.The rationality of each theoretical form is analyzed in an all-round way, which provides the basis for the establishment of the rationality evaluation standard of artistic values.The third part is the reasonable evaluation standard of artistic values.On the basis of the comprehensive analysis of the artistic values of different value orientations, this paper further studies the evaluation standard of the rationality of the artistic values, and probes into the connotation of the artistic values which conform to the purpose, regularity and sensibility.The rational evaluation standard of artistic values is the unity of regularity and sensibility.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前3條

1 趙士發(fā);關(guān)于合理性問題研究綜述[J];人文雜志;2000年02期

2 胡輝華;后現(xiàn)代主義與合理性觀念[J];首都師范大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào)(社會科學(xué)版);2000年01期

3 朱愛軍;關(guān)于藝術(shù)價(jià)值理論的歷史考察[J];沈陽師范學(xué)院學(xué)報(bào)(社會科學(xué)版);1998年01期

相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前1條

1 童穎;現(xiàn)代中國文藝大眾化思潮的功利化傾向及其影響[D];西北大學(xué);2007年





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