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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-03 10:05

  本文選題:真誠 切入點(diǎn):藝術(shù)真實(shí) 出處:《吉林大學(xué)》2009年碩士論文

【摘要】: 文藝論域中的“真誠”往往與涉及文藝本質(zhì)觀念的“藝術(shù)真實(shí)”緊密聯(lián)系在一起,寫作主體的真誠品格在歷代作家批評(píng)家那里都被視為獲得作品藝術(shù)真實(shí)的重要主觀因素,它作為一種價(jià)值進(jìn)入到作品的品評(píng)已經(jīng)成為一個(gè)毋庸置疑的常識(shí)。然而,筆者以為,這個(gè)常識(shí)判斷是存在問題的,是不符合客觀實(shí)際的。進(jìn)而,筆者從寫作主體和社會(huì)接受兩方面展開論述,對(duì)這一價(jià)值判斷進(jìn)行批判,并得出結(jié)論:寫作主體的真誠與作品的價(jià)值并無必然聯(lián)系,作品的價(jià)值是由作者寫作能力和讀者接受能力共同形成的。當(dāng)然,這并不是說作者的寫作能力和讀者的接受能力就是作品價(jià)值的唯一源泉,但它卻是作品獲得藝術(shù)價(jià)值最主導(dǎo)的因素。
[Abstract]:The "sincerity" in the field of literature and art is often closely related to the "artistic truth" which involves the concept of the essence of literature and art. The sincere character of the writing subject is regarded as an important subjective factor in obtaining the artistic truth of the works by the writers and critics of the past dynasties.It as a value into the work of the evaluation has become a common sense.However, the author believes that this common sense judgment is problematic, is not in line with the objective reality.Then, the author discusses from two aspects of writing subject and social acceptance, criticizes this value judgment, and draws the conclusion: the sincerity of writing subject and the value of the work are not necessarily related.The value of the work is formed by the author's writing ability and the reader's acceptance ability.Of course, this is not to say that the author's writing ability and the reader's acceptance ability are the only source of the value of the work, but it is the most dominant factor to obtain the artistic value of the work.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前10條

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6 蔣承勇,鄭達(dá)華;試論西方現(xiàn)代派文學(xué)的真實(shí)觀──兼及與傳統(tǒng)文學(xué)的聯(lián)系[J];杭州大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào)(哲學(xué)社會(huì)科學(xué)版);1995年01期

7 姜建;;論“開明派”的“真誠”文學(xué)觀[J];江蘇社會(huì)科學(xué);2005年06期

8 曹瑩;;由韓寒的創(chuàng)作看其文學(xué)觀[J];名作欣賞;2008年06期

9 白燁,張萍;崛起之后——關(guān)于“80后”的答問[J];南方文壇;2004年06期

10 余華;;我的真實(shí)[J];人民文學(xué);1989年03期

相關(guān)重要報(bào)紙文章 前1條

1 本報(bào)記者 甘文瑾;[N];中國電影報(bào);2006年





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