

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-27 08:12

  本文選題:自然文化遺產(chǎn) + 可持續(xù)發(fā)展。 參考:《西安建筑科技大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Natural cultural heritage is the essence and carrier of natural landscape and historical culture. It is a precious and non-renewable resource and the common wealth of all mankind. The protection of natural cultural heritage is one of the important contents of the sustainable development of human beings and the earth environment. The number of natural and cultural heritage in China is very large. In recent years, the country has been studying and formulating laws and regulations on the protection of heritage, and has taken effective measures to protect it. With the rapid development of heritage protection in China, the protection of natural and cultural heritage has attracted more and more attention from all walks of life. However, China's natural and cultural heritage protection situation is still not optimistic. Under the impact and influence of market economy, some places position natural and cultural heritage as tourism resources in a one-sided and short-sighted way. In order to pursue the immediate economic benefits, the development and utilization is regarded as the most effective and direct way to promote economic development. The overload utilization and destructive development of natural cultural heritage make many natural cultural heritage suffer irreversibly damage and lose the original harmony and perfection. At the same time, the lack and lag of the relevant legal system and the chronic diseases brought by the old management system have also caused various problems in the protection of natural and cultural heritage. How to perfect the legal system of natural cultural heritage protection and realize the sustainable development of natural cultural heritage is the starting point and destination of this paper. This article takes the whole frame research as the basic point, regards the natural cultural heritage protection legal system as the main research object, unifies the predecessor's related research, first carries on the general analysis to the natural cultural heritage related content, The concept and classification of natural cultural heritage are defined and summarized, and the characteristics and value of natural cultural heritage are expounded. Then it focuses on the existing legal norms and administrative system of our country, and expounds the achievements of the protection of natural and cultural heritage in China for many years. The related legal system of natural and cultural heritage and the types of existing protected areas are systematically combed and summarized, and through the analysis and research, It is pointed out that there are some specific problems related to legislation and law enforcement in the development of heritage protection laws and the administration of heritage protection, and then refer to and draw lessons from the United States. The enlightenment brought by the advanced experience and idea of the legal protection of natural cultural heritage in Australia and other developed countries. Finally, how to perfect the legal system of natural cultural heritage protection in our country, From the aspects of the construction of legal system and the renewal of management system, the author puts forward some reasonable countermeasures and suggestions for the perfection of the legal system of natural and cultural heritage protection in China.


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