

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-27 05:37

  本文選題:旅游養(yǎng)老 + 養(yǎng)老社區(qū) ; 參考:《福建農(nóng)林大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

【摘要】:老年人是社會的特殊群體,他們作為人類社會重要的組成部分,在社會發(fā)展的進程中作出了巨大的貢獻,具有不可忽視的社會地位及作用。據(jù)國家統(tǒng)計局的數(shù)據(jù)統(tǒng)計,2016年60周歲及以上的人口 23086萬人,占總?cè)丝诘?6.7%,65周歲以上的人口 15003萬人,占總?cè)丝诘?0.8%,中國已經(jīng)加快步入人口老齡化社會。隨著我國人口老齡化的加劇和人性化思潮的影響,老年人養(yǎng)老的問題備受社會各界的關(guān)注。一部分老年消費者對于晚年的生活提出了更高的要求,加之旅游業(yè)的蓬勃發(fā)展和老年旅游的興起,極力的推動著養(yǎng)老產(chǎn)業(yè)與旅游業(yè)、房地產(chǎn)的融合。本文通過閱讀文獻和資料收集,歸納總結(jié)養(yǎng)老社區(qū)相關(guān)知識,系統(tǒng)梳理養(yǎng)老社區(qū)發(fā)展歷程和各國研究和建設(shè)現(xiàn)狀,在綜合分析老年人的養(yǎng)老居住模式及其居住區(qū)環(huán)境現(xiàn)狀的基礎(chǔ)上,提出了旅游養(yǎng)老——將旅游與養(yǎng)老結(jié)合起來,是滿足我國老年人養(yǎng)老需求的新的養(yǎng)老途徑。經(jīng)過對國內(nèi)外養(yǎng)老社區(qū)景觀對比,發(fā)現(xiàn)世界主要發(fā)達國家的旅游養(yǎng)老產(chǎn)業(yè)已經(jīng)進入了成熟發(fā)展階段,積累了豐富的經(jīng)驗,我國理論和實踐方面都相對不足,發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀令人擔(dān)憂,存在著項目單一,功能定位不準(zhǔn)確,綠化小品不適合老年人使用等一系列問題。本文通過對保亭萬卷山養(yǎng)老社區(qū)項目現(xiàn)狀的實地考察,了解場地景觀現(xiàn)狀、人文歷史、氣候水文、周圍環(huán)境等條件,基于前期的理論研究與國內(nèi)外優(yōu)秀案例分析,提出建設(shè)樂養(yǎng)、多元、適老的養(yǎng)老社區(qū)景觀設(shè)計理念,通過康復(fù)花園理論、需求層次理論,老年人心理學(xué)和社會學(xué)理論的指導(dǎo),研究了如何在景觀設(shè)計的過程中滿足老年人的各種需求,實現(xiàn)通過營造真正適合老年人的社區(qū)景觀環(huán)境,來達到讓老年人頤養(yǎng)天年的目的。本案的創(chuàng)新之處在于在養(yǎng)老環(huán)境的構(gòu)建中加入養(yǎng)生、休閑、體驗、文化等多種元素,力求建立一個綜合性的旅游養(yǎng)老社區(qū)景觀系統(tǒng),滿足老年人的多方面的需求;同時,居住區(qū)周圍空間環(huán)境的設(shè)計中創(chuàng)新提出了空間引導(dǎo)策略,將老年人從封閉的室內(nèi)空間引出室外;用適老性景觀建設(shè)的理論貫穿整個設(shè)計,康復(fù)景觀注入場地激發(fā)活力,結(jié)合當(dāng)?shù)刈匀粭l件歷史文脈,將保亭萬卷山養(yǎng)老社區(qū)建設(shè)成為一個適老、樂養(yǎng)、多元的旅游養(yǎng)老項目,為養(yǎng)老社區(qū)建設(shè)提供新的思路,為老年人居住環(huán)境的改善作出貢獻。
[Abstract]:As an important part of human society, the elderly have made great contributions in the process of social development, and they have a social status and role that can not be ignored. According to statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics, there are 230.86 million people aged 60 and over in 2016, accounting for 150.03 million of the total population over the age of 65 and accounting for 10.8 percent of the total population. China has stepped up the pace of entering an aging society. With the aggravation of population aging and the influence of humanization trend of thought, the problem of the aged is concerned by all walks of life. Part of the elderly consumers put forward higher requirements for the life of old age, coupled with the vigorous development of tourism and the rise of the elderly tourism, vigorously promote the pension industry and tourism, real estate integration. Through reading the literature and data collection, this paper summarizes the related knowledge of the pension community, systematically combs the development process of the pension community and the current situation of research and construction in various countries. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the living mode of the aged and the environment of their residential areas, this paper puts forward that the combination of tourism and old-age care is a new way to meet the needs of the aged in China. By comparing the landscape of the aged community at home and abroad, it is found that the tourism pension industry of the major developed countries in the world has entered a mature stage of development, has accumulated rich experience, the theory and practice of our country are relatively inadequate, the current situation of development is worrying. There are a series of problems, such as single item, inaccurate function orientation and unsuitable greening sketch. In this paper, based on the previous theoretical research and domestic and foreign excellent case study, this paper makes a field investigation on the status quo of Baoting Wankushan pension community project, understands the present situation of site landscape, human history, climate and hydrology, and the surrounding environment, and analyzes the outstanding cases at home and abroad. Put forward the concept of landscape design of the retirement community, which is based on the theory of rehabilitation garden, the theory of hierarchy of needs, the theory of psychology and sociology of the elderly. This paper studies how to meet the needs of the elderly in the process of landscape design, and realize the purpose of making the elderly live in the old age by creating a community landscape environment that is really suitable for the elderly. The innovation of this case lies in adding health, leisure, experience, culture and other elements in the construction of the environment for the aged, in order to establish a comprehensive tourism community landscape system to meet the needs of the elderly in many aspects; at the same time, In the design of the surrounding space environment of the residential area, the space guiding strategy is put forward, which leads the old people out from the closed indoor space; the theory of the construction of the aging landscape runs through the whole design, and the rehabilitation landscape infuses the site to stimulate vitality. Combined with the historical context of local natural conditions, the construction of Baoting Wanjushan pension community will be a suitable, happy and diversified tourism pension project, which will provide a new way of thinking for the construction of the pension community and contribute to the improvement of the living environment of the elderly.


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