

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-24 22:29

  本文選題:系統(tǒng)功能語法 + 功能文體分析; 參考:《天津科技大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Jane Austen is a famous English female writer. She was born in an ordinary rural pastor's family. In her life, she created six literary works, leaving the world with valuable literary wealth. Under the influence of her living environment, most of her works are based on the daily trivia of that era. That is why her novels are never tired of reading. Pride and Prejudice is a representative reflection of Jane Austen's superb writing art. The characters in the novel are vividly and vividly portrayed, the storyline is ups and downs, and the language is humorous. The sarcastic social comment and the ingenious dialogue reveal Jane Austen's writing art. In previous studies of the novel, most scholars pay more attention to the analysis of marriage theme, female consciousness and narrative characteristics. At present, the analysis of the stylistic features of the novel is very limited, so it is of great significance to analyze the linguistic characteristics of Pride and Prejudice from the perspective of functional stylistics. Stylistics is a cross-disciplinary subject, which analyzes the linguistic characteristics of literary works according to linguistic theory. Since the 1970s, functional stylistics has developed vigorously and become an important branch of modern stylistics. The theory of functional stylistics originates from Halliday's systematic functional grammar. Halliday regards language as the potential of meaning and puts forward three metafunctions: conceptual function interpersonal function and textual function. Based on the theory of systemic functional grammar, this paper makes a functional stylistic analysis of Pride and Prejudice, including syntactic, semantic and textual aspects. On the one hand, it can promote readers' understanding of functional stylistic theory; on the other hand, it hopes to cause more researchers to analyze literary works from the perspective of functional stylistics. The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, mainly introduces Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice, the research significance, purpose and structure of the thesis, the second chapter is the literature review, mainly the current domestic and foreign research status of the novel Pride and Prejudice; The third chapter is the theoretical framework, introduces Halliday's theory of systemic functional grammar and three metafunctions, the fourth chapter is the main part of the thesis, mainly from the three metafunctions (conceptual functions, From the perspective of interpersonal function and discourse function, the author analyzes the novel Pride and Prejudice, and concludes the functional stylistic features of the novel. It also points out the deficiency of the research and some suggestions for the future research.


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