

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-24 23:56

  本文選題:合院式住宅 + 現(xiàn)代城市; 參考:《山東大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the globalization and economic integration, the architecture of the world is affected by the "international modernist architecture", but there are many disadvantages in the realization of functionalization, modernization and simplification. For example, the solution to the problem is too random, the historical context of the building is seldom considered, some designs lack respect for the original natural and historical environment, and neglect the original urban mechanism. To design some modern buildings which are not in harmony with the original urban style and features, so that the whole city texture has been destroyed and so on. In this way, many of the original urban characteristics have been diluted or even destroyed in the rapid development of construction, and a large number of converging phenomena of buildings have appeared. As an important part of urban space, residential buildings are facing unprecedented crisis of urban construction characteristics. Munford once said, "A good living environment needs to be able to integrate its inhabitants with traditional culture." Thus, the new housing design and development should be linked to the traditional culture and cultural relics protection. In the traditional residence of our country, the residential building of courtyard type is the most widely distributed residential type in China. It is the most suitable for our daily life and regional environment produced by the forefathers of the Chinese nation after generation of improvement and trial. Traditional culture and other national forms of housing model, but also condensed the excellent Chinese architecture, garden, planning and other design and aesthetic concepts, is a region of history, culture, art, climate and environmental factors comprehensive embodiment. The unique courtyard structure design of the courtyard house enables the traditional residential space to handle the relationships among people, nature and society very well. The multi-level courtyard space of these courtyard houses not only contains the wisdom of using and transforming the natural environment, but also embodies the philosophy of the unity of nature and man and the existence of the void and reality. Therefore, how to make this excellent housing form inherit and develop in modern urban space is particularly important in today's globalization, and inheritance and development are not opposed to each other, they complement each other and affect each other. It requires us not only to retain those regional residential buildings that are of great value, but also to fully tap the cultural elements and connotations of traditional Chinese residential buildings, and to combine new scientific and technological means with new ones. In order to make the modern residential space with national, local. After analyzing the relevant laws and regulations and outstanding cases about the protection, renovation and development of the traditional residential buildings and the domestic residential buildings in China, the author tries to generalize the "shape" and "meaning" of the Chinese residential buildings. This paper explores its integration and application in modern residential design, and probes into the inheritance and improvement of the important design element of "courtyard" in modern commercial housing, so that the traditional residential form can be better inherited and developed in modern cities.


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