

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-23 21:08

  本文選題:擠出模具 + 輕量化設計 ; 參考:《重慶大學》2016年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the development of industry, extrusion die has been widely used in the production and manufacture of plastic pipes. The plastic tube extrusion die is usually designed according to the designer's experience. In order to ensure that the extrusion die has sufficient strength and rigidity, the size of the extrusion die is often increased to a certain extent. This unreasonable design method will lead to excessive quality of extrusion die, resulting in waste of raw materials. The method of lightweight design is to reduce the weight of the product while ensuring the strength and rigidity of the design product, and to reduce the impact on the environment by reducing the use of raw materials. However, the product after lightweight design does not always reduce the environmental impact of the product from a life-cycle perspective. The optimization of the product structure and materials in the design stage may affect the environmental impact of the product in other stages of the life cycle. The unreasonable lightweight design method may even increase the environmental load in the whole life cycle of the product. However, the existing lightweight design methods only consider the product weight as the target, and do not consider the impact of lightweight design on the environment throughout the product life cycle. Therefore, this paper presents a lightweight design method for plastic tube extrusion die, which integrates environmental impact assessment of life cycle, which is used to reduce the weight of plastic tube extrusion die and optimize the environmental performance during the life cycle of the extrusion die. Firstly, the characteristics of plastic tube extrusion die are analyzed, and the existing problems in extrusion die and lightweight design are expounded. On this basis, a framework of lightweight design method for plastic tube extrusion die is proposed. The framework integrates life cycle environmental impact assessment and structural optimization methods, and takes the weight of plastic tube extrusion die and the environmental impact during the life cycle of extrusion die as objective functions for structural optimization. The shape parameters of each part of the extrusion die are selected as design variables, and the strength and stiffness of the extrusion die structure are taken as the constraint conditions. Secondly, the acquisition of objective function and constraint conditions in the process of optimization of plastic tube extrusion die structure is further studied. In order to obtain the constraint conditions of the strength and stiffness of the extrusion die, the fluid simulation of the melt plastic was carried out based on the finite element method and the principle of fluid mechanics, and the thermo-mechanical coupling analysis of the extrusion die for the plastic pipe was carried out. In order to obtain the objective function of environmental impact of extrusion die, based on the principle and method of life cycle assessment, the environmental impact of extrusion die life cycle of plastic pipe was evaluated. Finally, based on the above research, the shape parameters of different parts of extrusion die of plastic pipe are selected as design variables, and the mathematical model of lightweight design of extrusion die is established by combining the structural optimization method. The lightweight design method is applied to a plastic tube extrusion die. Compared with the original model, the existing lightweight design methods and the environmental impact in the life cycle of the extrusion die obtained by the lightweight design method proposed in this paper, the effectiveness of the proposed lightweight design method is verified.


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