

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-24 04:01

  本文選題:神農(nóng)架自然保護(hù)區(qū) + 金絲猴。 參考:《華中農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Golden monkey is an important protection object in Shennongjia Nature Reserve. Based on the key role of habitat in affecting the survival and development of Golden Monkey, and the fragmentation of suitable habitat patches faced by Shennongjia Golden Monkey at present, On the basis of the field investigation of the habitat of golden monkey in Shennongjia Nature Reserve, this paper takes the habitat of Golden Monkey in Shennongjia Nature Reserve as the research object, combining with the basic data of the reserve, and taking the habitat of golden monkey in Shennongjia Nature Reserve as the research object. The habitat fragmentation of golden monkey in Shennongjia protected area was evaluated by using 3s technology, and the potential habitat corridor between the existing habitat patches of golden monkey was identified by using the minimum cost model. The appropriate plant allocation model of corridor was selected, and the construction technology of habitat corridor was put forward to optimize the habitat pattern of golden monkey. The main results are as follows: (1) the analysis of landscape structure fragmentation by using landscape pattern index method shows that the suitable forest landscape of Shennongjia Nature Reserve mainly exists in the form of large patches. The proportion of the area in the study area is 64.5%, the total area of other non-forest landscape is about 10 parts of the study area, mainly distributed in the form of small patches, which plays an important role in the fragmentation of habitat landscape of golden monkey. And this rule is more obvious in the protected area than in the non-distribution area. The patch shape of each landscape type in the habitat is complex, the patch distribution is discrete, and the landscape connectivity is low, which indicates that there exists a certain degree of fragmentation in all kinds of landscape in the study area. Moreover, all kinds of landscape patches in the inactive area of golden monkey in the reserve have more complex patch shape, more discrete distribution, smaller degree of aggregation and larger edge density than those in the active area of golden monkey. The lower degree of landscape connectivity and the more uneven distribution of the number and area of all types of landscape, The results show that the degree of fragmentation of each landscape type in the non-active area of Golden Monkey in Shennongjia Reserve is higher than that in active area. (2) the functional fragmentation analysis of habitat landscape based on the landscape connectivity analysis method available in habitat shows that: several parts of the study area are in the study area. The main reasons for the fragmentation of the suitable habitat of the Shennongjia Golden Monkey were the topographic factors (altitude) and human disturbance (road) among the large suitable habitat patches. The connectivity index between the suitable habitat patches in the active and inactive areas of Shennongjia Golden Monkey was generally low, which indicated that there was a considerable degree of fragmentation in the whole habitat of Golden Monkey in Shennongjia. And the fragmentation degree between the suitable habitat patches in the inactive area and the whole protected area is more serious than that in the active area. (3) based on the evaluation of the current situation of the fragmentation of gold silk habitat in Shennongjia, The study on the construction of potential habitat corridors of Shennongjia golden monkey habitat shows that there are four large "source" habitat patches in Shennongjia protected area. Based on these four habitat "source" patches and using the minimum cost distance model, four potential habitat corridors of the golden monkey can be identified, which can link the existing habitat patch system of the golden monkey in Shennongjia Reserve. To promote the Shennongjia Golden Monkey to the effective use of suitable habitats. Based on the vegetation community structure of Shennongjia golden monkey suitable for habitat, eight plant allocation models of Shennongjia golden monkey habitat corridor were selected. According to the actual corridor distribution geographical environment and the ecological habits of the corresponding plant species, 8 species of Shennongjia golden monkey were selected. The plant configuration model of the habitat corridor of Shennongjia Golden Monkey was determined, which can be used to construct the habitat corridor of Shennongjia Golden Monkey.


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