

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-20 01:25

  本文選題:景觀恢復 + 濱水景觀。 參考:《湖南工業(yè)大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, the ecological system of waterfront has been destroyed, the ecological environment has been deteriorating, the area has been shrinking, and the quality of regional landscape resources has been declining. In order to restore the ecological landscape resources of urban waterfront and promote the harmonious symbiosis among water, city and human, this paper studies the landscape restoration of urban waterfront. Jianning Port is a cultural river that originated in Zhuzhou City. The current situation of the river is mixed with rain and sewage, which leads to the deterioration of water quality, the deterioration of water environment, the coverage of coastal riverbed by a large amount of silt and domestic waste, and the poor flow of roads. The style of the block along the port is messy, which seriously affects the ecological environment of waterfront landscape in this area. This paper begins with the problems existing in Jianning Port, first of all, referring to the literature to study the methods of river landscape restoration, and secondly learning and summarizing the outstanding cases of landscape restoration design of urban waterfront area at home and abroad. Access to the relevant data to interpret the planning, combined with the site status of the resources to determine the design positioning and objectives. The design method of water environment restoration, shore line restoration, traffic carding and street reconstruction is worked out, and the general plan of special design superposition is generated. In this paper, the landscape restoration design of urban waterfront is studied to solve the problem that the landscape environment of waterfront has been destroyed at present, to create the waterfront landscape with harmonious coexistence between people and Hong Kong, and to reshape the dynamic cultural commercial district along Hong Kong. The ecological nature of urban waterfront landscape is realized, which provides a reference for the design of urban waterfront landscape restoration.


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1 楊銳;城市濱水區(qū)規(guī)劃設計及開發(fā)探析——以加拿大多倫多城市濱水區(qū)為例[D];南京林業(yè)大學;2004年





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