

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-19 08:46

  本文選題:城市開放式景區(qū) + 旅游景觀 ; 參考:《上海師范大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

【摘要】:隨著人們社會生活水平的不斷提高,可支配收入、閑暇時間不斷增多,大眾旅游已發(fā)展到一定階段。數(shù)據(jù)顯示,2013年國內(nèi)游客達(dá)到32.62億人次,其中城鎮(zhèn)居民21.86億人次,農(nóng)村居民10.76億人次。如此龐大的旅游消費人群,促使旅游景區(qū)向多元化發(fā)展。開放式景區(qū)作為旅游景區(qū)發(fā)展的新形式,率先出現(xiàn)在經(jīng)濟發(fā)達(dá)、居民出游率高的城市地區(qū)。隨著開放式景區(qū)在城市興起,我國少數(shù)學(xué)者已經(jīng)展開了對城市開放式景區(qū)的初步研究,研究視角包括城市開放式景區(qū)的內(nèi)涵、特征、旅游環(huán)境承載力、游客滿意度、管理等。本文基于景觀生態(tài)學(xué)、旅游景觀學(xué)、行為地理學(xué)等多學(xué)科理論,運用實地調(diào)查法、問卷調(diào)查法、AHP層次分析法等綜合方法,對城市開放式景區(qū)的旅游景觀進行探究。在城市開放式景區(qū)發(fā)展態(tài)勢、特征、旅游景觀構(gòu)成、功能、分類體系全面剖析的基礎(chǔ)上,構(gòu)建城市開放式景區(qū)旅游景觀評價模型,并應(yīng)用該模型以上海佘山旅游度假區(qū)為例進行了實證分析。第一章:緒論。在分析城市開放式景區(qū)旅游景觀評價研究背景的基礎(chǔ)上,闡述了研究的理論和實踐意義,明確研究的主要內(nèi)容與方法。第二章:研究綜述與理論基礎(chǔ)。首先,對與本文研究相關(guān)的開放式景區(qū)、城市開放式景區(qū)、景觀、旅游景觀的概念進行了解析。其次,在對國內(nèi)外景觀、旅游景觀相關(guān)研究進行梳理及歸納后,認(rèn)為旅游景觀評價的研究是景觀學(xué)、旅游學(xué)等相關(guān)學(xué)科的交叉性研究,確定以景觀生態(tài)學(xué)、行為地理學(xué)、景觀美學(xué)理論作為本文研究的理論基礎(chǔ)。第三章:城市開放式景區(qū)旅游景觀分類。從城市開放式景區(qū)產(chǎn)生與發(fā)展、旅游景觀識別要素、分類體系三個方面對城市開放式景區(qū)旅游景觀進行全面、系統(tǒng)地厘清。根據(jù)城市開放式景區(qū)發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀總結(jié)出城市開放式景區(qū)的特征。在城市開放式景區(qū)旅游景觀構(gòu)成、功能研究的基礎(chǔ)上,結(jié)合城市開放式景區(qū)的特征,劃分出城市開放式景區(qū)旅游景觀分類體系,把城市開放式景區(qū)旅游景觀劃分為3類、8亞類、35型。第四章:城市開放式景區(qū)旅游景觀評價方法與模型。對比分析了旅游景觀評價應(yīng)用較多的方法,最終選擇層次分析法作為本文的評價方法。梳理目前關(guān)于景觀與旅游景觀評價相關(guān)的評價模型為本文評價模型的構(gòu)建提供參考,結(jié)合前文的研究結(jié)果以及佘山國家旅游度假區(qū)的實際,構(gòu)建城市開放式景區(qū)旅游景觀評價模型。該評價模型從旅游景觀價值、旅游景觀環(huán)境、旅游景觀交通區(qū)位、旅游景觀市場影響力四方面選取13個評價因子,向20位相關(guān)領(lǐng)域的研究者獲取評價因子權(quán)重意見,得到一級因子層和二級因子層各因子的權(quán)重。結(jié)果表明二級因子層權(quán)重最高的依次為:休閑游憩價值、美學(xué)觀賞價值、環(huán)境清潔度和可進入性。這符合城市開放式景區(qū)的發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀和特征,同時也表明了人們對城市開放式景區(qū)旅游景觀的期望。第五章:實證研究:上海佘山旅游度假區(qū)旅游景觀評價。在對佘山旅游度假區(qū)旅游景觀全面了解與分類的基礎(chǔ)上,運用城市開放式景區(qū)旅游景觀評價模型,參照評價因子評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn),對佘山旅游度假區(qū)旅游景觀進行評價。對評價模型的13個評價因子,運用實地調(diào)查法、問卷調(diào)查法、照片打分法、Arc GIS等方法按照評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)逐一打分。評分結(jié)果表明,佘山旅游度假區(qū)旅游景觀價值的歷史文化價值、科學(xué)考察/科普教育價值、規(guī)模與豐度,旅游景觀交通區(qū)位是其優(yōu)勢所在。而旅游景觀價值的休閑游憩價值,旅游景觀市場影響力存在明顯的不足,亟需改善。第六章:結(jié)論與討論?偨Y(jié)所取得的主要研究結(jié)論,對仍需做的進一步深入探討及問題進行了展望。
[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of people's social life, disposable income and leisure time are increasing, and mass tourism has developed to a certain stage. The data show that in 2013, the number of domestic tourists has reached 3 billion 262 million people, including 2 billion 186 million urban residents and 1 billion 76 million rural residents. Such a huge tourist population has contributed to the diversity of tourist attractions. As a new form of tourism scenic area development, the open scenic area takes the lead in the urban areas with developed economy and high tourist rate. With the rise of the open scenic spots in the city, a few scholars in China have launched a preliminary study of the urban open scenic spots. The research angle of view includes the connotation, characteristics and Tourism Ring of the urban open scenic spots. This article is based on the multidisciplinary theory of landscape ecology, tourism landscape, behavioral geography and other comprehensive methods, such as field survey method, questionnaire survey method and AHP analytic hierarchy process, to explore the tourism landscape of urban open scenic spots. The development trend, characteristics and tourist landscape in the open scenic area of the city. On the basis of comprehensive analysis of the structure, function and classification system, the urban open scenic tourist landscape evaluation model is constructed, and the model is used to take the Sheshan tourist resort in Shanghai as an example. Chapter 1: introduction. On the basis of the analysis of the research background of the urban open scenic tourist landscape evaluation, the theory and reality of the research are expounded. The main contents and methods of the study. The second chapter: the research summary and the theoretical basis. First, the concept of open scenic spots, urban open scenic spots, landscape, tourist landscape is analyzed. Secondly, after combing and summarizing the domestic and foreign landscape, tourism landscape related research, the tourist landscape is considered. The study of the evaluation is the cross study of landscape, tourism and other related disciplines, and the theoretical basis of this study is the landscape ecology, behavioral geography and landscape aesthetics theory. The third chapter is the classification of the urban open scenic scenic spots. The production and development of the urban open scenic spots, the elements of the tourism landscape recognition and the classification system of three The characteristics of the open scenic spots are summarized according to the present situation of the urban open scenic spots. On the basis of the structure of the tourist landscape of the open scenic spots in the city, on the basis of the function research, the urban open scenic scenic spots are divided into the features of the urban open scenic spots, and the urban open scenic scenic spots are divided. Classification system is divided into 3 categories, 8 subcategories, 35 types and fourth chapters: the evaluation method and model of urban open scenic tourism landscape. The methods of tourism landscape evaluation are compared and analyzed, and the analytic hierarchy process is selected as the evaluation method. The evaluation of landscape and tourism landscape at present is combed. The related evaluation model provides a reference for the construction of the evaluation model. Combined with the results of the previous study and the reality of Sheshan national tourist resort, the evaluation model of the urban open scenic tourism landscape is constructed. The evaluation model is four from tourism landscape value, tourism landscape environment, tourism landscape traffic location, and tourism landscape market influence. 13 evaluation factors are selected to obtain the weight of evaluation factor to the researchers in 20 related fields to get the weight of the first level factor layer and the factor level of the two level factor layer. The results show that the highest weight of the two level factor layer is the leisure recreational value, the aesthetic value, the environmental cleanness and the entry. This is in line with the open landscape of the city. The development status and characteristics of the area also show people's expectation of the urban open scenic tourist landscape. Fifth chapters: Empirical Research: the evaluation of tourism landscape in Sheshan tourist resort in Shanghai. On the basis of comprehensive understanding and classification of tourism landscape in Sheshan tourist resort, the evaluation model of urban open scenic tourist landscape is used as a reference. Evaluation factor score standard, the Sheshan tourist resort tourism landscape evaluation. The 13 evaluation factors of the evaluation model, using field survey method, questionnaire survey method, photo scoring method, Arc GIS and other methods to score one by one according to the scoring standard. The results show that the historical and cultural value of tourism landscape value of Sheshan tourism resort, science The value of inspection / science education, the scale and abundance, the tourism landscape traffic location is its advantage. But the leisure recreation value of the tourist landscape value, the influence of the tourist landscape market have obvious deficiency and need to be improved. The sixth chapter: conclusion and discussion. The main research conclusions obtained are summarized and the problems still need to be further discussed and problems. The prospect is made.


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