

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-19 10:43

  本文選題:觀賞草引種 + 種子萌發(fā); 參考:《河北農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

【摘要】:隨著社會(huì)的發(fā)展,人們對(duì)生活環(huán)境的關(guān)注日益加強(qiáng),城市園林綠化是改善城市生活環(huán)境的重要措施。園林綠化作為城市建設(shè)的一部分,應(yīng)當(dāng)符合時(shí)代發(fā)展的潮流,目前國家大力提倡構(gòu)建節(jié)約型社會(huì),因而節(jié)約型園林作為節(jié)約型社會(huì)的組成部分理應(yīng)得到大力發(fā)展,尤其在水資源嚴(yán)重短缺的華北地區(qū),如何選擇節(jié)約型植物材料來組建景觀,顯得尤為重要。觀賞草優(yōu)良的抗性和質(zhì)樸自然的氣息迎合了目前人們渴望回歸自然的心理訴求,符合建設(shè)節(jié)約型園林的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),應(yīng)該得到大力推廣。本文研究的主要目的在于通過觀賞草引種來增加河北地區(qū)的園林植物種類,豐富可供選擇的節(jié)約型園林植物材料,促使提升和豐富區(qū)域園林景觀,大力推動(dòng)節(jié)約的、生態(tài)的、和諧的現(xiàn)代園林的發(fā)展。本研究的主要內(nèi)容如下:第一,通過發(fā)放調(diào)查問卷,經(jīng)過統(tǒng)計(jì)、分析數(shù)據(jù)表明目前民眾對(duì)觀賞草的認(rèn)知還不深,在園林應(yīng)用中也存在一些問題,主要有管理不當(dāng)、了解不深而且應(yīng)用種類少、應(yīng)用形式單一和冬季景觀性較差;針對(duì)這些問題提出了相應(yīng)的對(duì)策和建議,主要有加強(qiáng)宣傳推廣、加強(qiáng)引種馴化及鄉(xiāng)土種類的挖掘、創(chuàng)新配置手法、采取覆蓋或間種等措施彌補(bǔ)冬季景觀及加強(qiáng)對(duì)觀賞草的養(yǎng)護(hù)管理。第二,通過對(duì)墨西哥羽毛草(Nassella tenuissima)和大針茅(Stipa gigantea)的種子萌發(fā)特性進(jìn)行研究,掌握了溫度和光照時(shí)間對(duì)種子萌發(fā)的影響及適宜土壤埋深,以便為園林應(yīng)用提供方便。研究結(jié)果表明墨西哥羽毛草的適宜萌發(fā)溫度在15~20℃之間,大針茅適宜萌發(fā)溫度在15~25℃之間,晝夜變溫可以提高種子發(fā)芽率;增加光照時(shí)間可以提高種子的發(fā)芽率,而且大針茅種子對(duì)光照更為敏感;墨西哥羽毛草適宜土壤埋深為0.5cm,大針茅適宜埋深在1cm左右,土壤過深會(huì)抑制種子萌發(fā)。第三,通過觀察這兩種觀賞草在保定的生長狀況和物候期觀測,發(fā)現(xiàn)墨西哥羽毛草的觀賞性狀與引種地基本相同,墨西哥羽毛草質(zhì)感纖細(xì),株高28.35cm,綠期在260天以上,而且其越冬及越夏存活率均為100%,試驗(yàn)期間生長狀態(tài)良好,抗性強(qiáng),無病蟲害,完全適宜在保定地區(qū)推廣應(yīng)用;大針茅質(zhì)感較粗糙,第一年測得株高27.91cm,綠期在270天左右,試驗(yàn)期間生長狀態(tài)不佳,不耐夏季高溫,越夏存活率為68.42%,但抗旱和抗寒性較強(qiáng),越冬存活率為100%,生長期間沒有病蟲害,第二年返青后生長狀態(tài)有所改善,因此有待進(jìn)一步觀察研究。第四,以科學(xué)性、生態(tài)性、節(jié)約性、美學(xué)和鄉(xiāng)土原則等相應(yīng)的理論研究為基礎(chǔ),總結(jié)了這兩種觀賞草的園林應(yīng)用形式。研究表明這兩種觀賞草可以應(yīng)用于花壇花鏡、專類園、高爾夫球場及鄉(xiāng)村景觀的營建,此外墨西哥羽毛草還可以應(yīng)用于地被、盆栽、護(hù)坡、配置園石園路及立體綠化;大針茅則還可以應(yīng)用于孤植或用作邊界屏障,相信在不久的將來觀賞草景觀將體現(xiàn)出巨大的經(jīng)濟(jì)效益和生態(tài)效益。
[Abstract]:With the development of the society, people pay more and more attention to the living environment. The urban landscape greening is an important measure to improve the urban living environment. As a part of the urban construction, garden greening should be in line with the trend of the development of the times. At present, the country vigorously advocates the construction of the saving type society, thus the conservation oriented garden is the group of the saving society. In the north of China, especially in the severe water shortage in North China, it is very important to choose the saving type plant material to form the landscape. The excellent resistance and the natural breath of the ornamental grass cater to the psychological appeals for the return to nature and meet the standard of building a conservation oriented garden. The main purpose of this study is to increase the species of garden plants in Hebei area through the introduction of ornamental grass, enrich the alternative garden plant materials, promote the promotion and enrich the landscape of regional gardens, and vigorously promote the development of economical, ecological and harmonious modern gardens. The main contents of this study are as follows: First, through the questionnaire and statistics, the analysis of the data shows that the people are not deeply aware of the view of the ornamental grass, and there are some problems in the garden application. The main problems are improper management, poor understanding, less application types, single application form and poor winter landscape, and the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward for these problems. We should strengthen the publicity and promotion, strengthen the introduction and domestication and the mining of the native species, innovate the configuration techniques, take measures to cover the winter landscape and strengthen the maintenance and management of the ornamental grass. Second, through the study of the seed germination characteristics of the Mexico feathergrass (Nassella tenuissima) and the Stipa grandis (Stipa gigantea), The effects of temperature and light time on Seed Germination and soil depth are suitable for the convenience of garden application. The results show that the suitable germination temperature of Mexico feathergrass is between 15~20 C, the suitable germination temperature of Stipa grandis at 15~25 C, the day and night temperature change can increase the germination rate of seed seed, and increase the light time can improve the seeds. The germination rate, and the seed of Stipa grandis is more sensitive to light, Mexico feathergrass is suitable for soil depth of 0.5cm, the suitable burial depth of Stipa of Stipa is about 1cm, and the deep soil will inhibit the seed germination. Third, the ornamental characters and introduction of the two species of ornamental grass in Mexico are observed by observing the growth and phenological phase of the plants. The ground is basically the same. The quality of Mexico feathergrass is fine, the plant height is 28.35cm, the green period is over 260 days, and the survival rate of the winter and summer is 100%. The growth state of the plant is good, the resistance is strong and the disease is not harmful. It is completely suitable for the application in Baoding area; the quality of the Stipa is rough, the plant height is 27.91cm in the first year, and the green period is about 270 days in the first year. During the test, the growth state was not good, the summer high temperature was not tolerant, the survival rate of summer was 68.42%, but the drought resistance and cold resistance were strong, the survival rate of overwintering was 100%. There was no disease and insect pests in the growth period, and the growth state was improved after second years' return. Therefore, further observation and study were needed. Fourth, with scientific, ecological, economical, aesthetic and local principles. On the basis of the theoretical study, the application forms of the two ornamental grass are summarized. The study shows that the two ornamental grass can be applied to flower glasses, special gardens, golf courses and rural landscape construction. In addition, Mexico feathergrass can also be applied to ground cover, potted plants, slope protection, collocation Garden Road and three-dimensional greening. It can be applied to solitary planting or use as a boundary barrier. It is believed that in the near future, the ornamental grass landscape will reflect enormous economic and ecological benefits.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前3條

1 秦霞;楊紅芳;張威;張金寶;孫佩賢;;不同光照條件對(duì)楸樹種子發(fā)芽率的影響[J];河南科技學(xué)院學(xué)報(bào)(自然科學(xué)版);2010年01期

2 鄒潤玲;金曉玲;胡希軍;;園林觀賞草的應(yīng)用和推廣[J];林業(yè)實(shí)用技術(shù);2008年10期

3 約翰·雷納;陳進(jìn)勇;;澳大利亞園林中的觀賞草[J];中國園林;2008年12期





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