

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-19 07:34

  本文選題:土壤動物 + 森林類型。 參考:《河北農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

【摘要】:我國次生林面積約占森林總面積的55%,東北地區(qū)高達60%以上,為滿足人們對木材的需求,落葉松人工林的面積在次生林生態(tài)系統(tǒng)中逐漸增加,形成了人工林與次生林鑲嵌的景觀結(jié)構(gòu),但是落葉松人工林取代次生林出現(xiàn)了許多問題,地力衰退尤為突出,凋落物分解受阻是重要原因之一,土壤動物通過取食或刺激土壤微生物活性調(diào)控凋落物分解和養(yǎng)分釋放,是影響凋落物分解的主導(dǎo)因素之一,明確土壤動物的群落結(jié)構(gòu)及其對不同凋落物分解的貢獻,是解決地力衰退的基礎(chǔ)。本文以遼東山區(qū)天然闊葉次生林、落葉松人工林、落葉松林下闊葉樹種天然更新形成的混交林為研究對象,調(diào)查了3種林型土壤動物群落組成;采用凋落物袋法對林分內(nèi)自然凋落物(闊葉凋落物、針葉凋落物和針闊混合凋落物)進行了原位分解和交互分解試驗;利用不同孔徑凋落物袋控制參與凋落物分解的土壤動物,并對其進行分類統(tǒng)計。通過方差分析、主成分分析(PCA)以及冗余分析(RDA)等分析方法,分析研究了3種林型內(nèi)土壤動物群落結(jié)構(gòu)的差異及其與環(huán)境因子間關(guān)系,探討了土壤動物在自然凋落物分解和養(yǎng)分釋放過程中的作用,主要結(jié)果如下:(1)遼東山區(qū)3種林型共獲得中小型土壤動物102667只,屬于3門10綱,90個類群,甲螨亞目、等節(jié)跳科、疣跳科和棘跳科為優(yōu)勢類群,中氣門亞目、前氣門亞目、鱗跳科、顫蚓目、長角跳科、短角亞目幼蟲和長角亞目幼蟲為常見類群,該地區(qū)中小型土壤動物個體密度變化范圍是7.55×10~3~6.45×10~4ind·m~(-2);水平分布上,落葉松人工林中小型土壤動物個體密度最高,垂直分布上,中小型土壤動物具有較明顯的表聚性。重復(fù)度量方差分析表明,季節(jié)對個體密度、類群、各多樣性特征指數(shù)、捕食性類群個體密度、腐食性類群個體密度和植食性類群個體密度有顯著性影響(P0.05),取樣層次對個體密度、類群、多樣性特征指數(shù)、腐食性類群個體密度和植食性類群個體密度有顯著性影響(P0.05),林型對類群和各多樣性特征指數(shù)有顯著性影響(P0.05)。通過環(huán)境因子與中小型土壤動物群落的冗余分析(RDA)可知,凋落物層中小型土壤動物群落結(jié)構(gòu)主要受凋落物的p H值和凋落物層含水率影響(P0.05),而土壤層土壤動物群落受土壤p H值、土壤含水率和土壤有機質(zhì)含量影響顯著(P0.05)。(2)獲得大型土壤動物4046只,屬于3門8綱,71個類群,總生物量為454.32g,優(yōu)勢類群為正蚓目、顫蚓目和地蜈蚣目,常見類群為漏斗蛛科、金龜總科幼蟲、隱翅甲科、短角亞目幼蟲、倍足綱馬陸目和長角亞目幼蟲。該地區(qū)大型土壤動物的個體密度變化范圍是30.37~164.44ind·m~(-2),生物量變化范圍是2.29~25.47g·m~(-2)。重復(fù)測量方差分析表明,季節(jié)對大型土壤動物個體密度、類群數(shù)、總生物量、蚯蚓生物量、各多樣性特征指數(shù)、捕食性類群個體密度、腐食性類群個體密度和植食性類群個體密度影響顯著(P0.05),取樣層次對個體密度、類群數(shù)、總生物量、蚯蚓生物量、各多樣性特征指數(shù)和腐食性類群個體密度影響顯著(P0.05),林型對類群數(shù)和各多樣性指數(shù)影響顯著(P0.05)。通過大型土壤動物群落與各環(huán)境因子的冗余分析顯示,該地區(qū)凋落物含水率、厚度、p H值和全C含量是影響凋落物層大型土壤動物分布的重要因子(P0.05),土壤全C、全N和有機質(zhì)是影響土壤層大型土壤動物群落分布的重要因子(P0.05)。(3)經(jīng)過1年自然分解,5mm孔徑凋落物袋中闊葉凋落物、針闊混合凋落物和針葉凋落物在3種林型中損失率分別為50.42%、53.83%和33.92%,根據(jù)Olson衰減模型計算,3種凋落物分解的周轉(zhuǎn)期分別為4.34~8.88年,3.92~6.49年和8.61~10.95年。3種凋落物在分解期間表現(xiàn)出較明顯的階段性,水熱條件好的盛夏至初秋時節(jié)分解速率高于初冬至春末夏初時節(jié);各凋落物分解過程中,C元素含量呈下降趨勢,表明C元素一直在釋放,而N和P的含量呈現(xiàn)明顯的波動,表明N和P有明顯的富集,并且在分解過程中以富集為主,C/N則一直呈現(xiàn)下降趨勢。(4)在第1年分解過程中,參與凋落物分解的土壤動物類群主要有甲螨亞目、等節(jié)跳科、中氣門亞目、棘跳科、疣跳科、顫蚓目、鱗跳科、長角亞目幼蟲、短角亞目幼蟲和長角跳科,以腐食性類群為主,通過主成份分析(PCA),針葉凋落物與闊葉凋落物和針闊混合凋落物中的土壤動物群落有較大差異,特別是在8月,并且這種差別主要體現(xiàn)在個體密度上。(5)通過不同孔徑凋落物袋控制參與凋落物分解的土壤動物類群進行3種凋落物野外試驗,分解1年后,土壤動物對闊葉凋落物分解貢獻率為24.75%,其中大型土壤動物貢獻率為7.40%,中小型土壤動物貢獻率為17.35%,土壤動物對針闊混合凋落物分解貢獻率為22.36%,大型土壤動物貢獻率為7.51%,中小型土壤動物貢獻率為14.85%,土壤動物對針葉凋落物分解貢獻率為11.05%,大型土壤動物的貢獻率為3.25%,中小型土壤動物的貢獻率為7.80%。土壤動物對不同凋落物分解和養(yǎng)分元素釋放促進作用不同,分解過程中中小型土壤動物的作用大于大型土壤動物的作用,中小型土壤動物對3種凋落物的分解主要表現(xiàn)為促進作用,對闊葉凋落物和針闊混合凋落物的促進作用較大,而對針葉凋落物的促進作用相對較小,并且中小型土壤動物的作用從5月至10月先增加后降低,大型土壤動物的作用則未表現(xiàn)出規(guī)律性,并且一些時間段大型土壤動物可能對凋落物分解具有抑制作用。土壤動物對C元素的釋放促進作用較明顯,而對N和P元素更多表現(xiàn)出了抑制作用。
[Abstract]:The area of secondary forest in China accounts for about 55% of the total forest area, and more than 60% in the northeast to meet the demand for wood. The area of the larch plantation is gradually increased in the secondary forest ecosystem, forming a mosaic structure of artificial forests and secondary forests, but the replacement of secondary forest with larch plantation has many problems. One of the important reasons for the decline of the litter is that the litter decomposition is one of the important reasons. Soil animals regulate litter decomposition and nutrient release by feeding or stimulating soil microbial activity. It is one of the leading factors affecting litter decomposition. The community structure of soil animals and their contribution to the decomposition of different litter are the basis for solving the decline of the soil. In this paper, the natural broadleaved forest in Liaodong mountain area, the larch plantation and the mixed forest of the natural regeneration of the deciduous broad-leaved tree species under the larch forest as the research object, 3 kinds of forest type soil animal community composition were investigated, and the litter bag method was used to carry out the natural litter in the stand (broad leaf litter, coniferous litter and coniferous and broad-leaved litter). In situ decomposition and interaction decomposition test, the soil animals involved in litter decomposition were controlled by different aperture litter bags and classified. By analysis of variance analysis, principal component analysis (PCA) and redundancy analysis (RDA), the differences of soil animal community structure in the 3 forest types and their environmental factors were analyzed and studied. The effects of soil fauna on decomposition and nutrient release of natural litter are discussed. The main results are as follows: (1) 102667 middle and small soil animals were obtained from 3 forest types in Liaodong mountain area, belonging to 3 gate 10 classes, 90 groups, mite suborders, and eanthaceas, and the wart and eanthotaxis were dominant groups, middle Qi gate suborder, anterior suborder suborder, scaly jump. The vermiculdae, the vermiculdae, the long horned family, the short horned larva and the long horned suborder larva are common groups. The variation range of the individual density of small and medium soil animals in this area is 7.55 x 10~3~6.45 x 10~4ind. M~ (-2), and the individual density of the small soil animals in the larch plantation is the highest in the horizontal distribution, and the small and medium soil animals are more obvious in the vertical distribution. The analysis of repeated measures of variance showed that season has a significant influence on individual density, group, diversity characteristic index, individual density of predatory groups, individual density of predatory groups and individual density of herbivorous groups (P0.05), sampling level on individual density, group, diversity characteristic index, individual density and planting of humic groups. There was a significant influence on the individual density of the diet group (P0.05), and the forest type had a significant influence on the group and the diversity index (P0.05). Through the environmental factors and the redundancy analysis of the small and medium soil animal communities (RDA), it was found that the structure of the small and medium soil animal communities in the litter layer was mainly influenced by the P H value of litter and the water content of litter layer (P0. 05), the soil layer soil animal community is affected by soil P H value, soil moisture content and soil organic matter content significantly (P0.05). (2) 4046 large soil animals are obtained, belonging to 3 8 classes, 71 groups, the total biomass is 454.32g, the dominant groups are vermis, vermis and ground centipede, common groups are funnel arachnoid, larva of Tortoise Tortoise Tortoise, cryptowing Larva of family armydifamily, short horned suborder, dippod and larva. The variation range of the individual density of large soil animals in this area is 30.37~164.44ind. M~ (-2), and the range of biomass is 2.29~25.47g. M~ (-2). Repeated measurements of variance analysis show that the individual density, group number, total biomass, earthworm life of large soil animals in the season The individual density of predatory groups, individual density of predatory groups, individual density of predatory groups and individual density of phytophagous groups were significantly affected (P0.05). Sampling levels had significant influence on individual density, group number, total biomass, earthworm biomass, diversity index and individual density of herbivorous groups (P0.05). The diversity index has a significant impact (P0.05). Through the redundancy analysis of large soil animal communities and environmental factors, the water content of litter, thickness, P H value and total C content in this area are important factors affecting the distribution of large soil animals in the litter layer (P0.05). The whole soil C, full N and organic matter are the factors affecting the large soil animal community in the soil layer. The important factor of cloth (P0.05). (3) after 1 years of natural decomposition, the loss rates of broadleaf litter in the 5mm aperture litter bag, the coniferous and broad-leaved litter and the coniferous litter in the 3 forest types were 50.42%, 53.83% and 33.92% respectively. According to the Olson attenuation model, the turnover period of 3 litter decomposition was 4.34~8.88 years, 3.92~6.49 and 8.61~10.95 years respectively. The decomposition of.3 species showed a distinct stage during the decomposition period. The decomposition rate of the warm summer to early autumn was higher than that in the early winter to the early summer and early summer in the early autumn. The content of C elements showed a downward trend during the litter decomposition process, indicating that the C elements had been released, while the content of N and P showed obvious fluctuations, indicating that N and P had obvious enrichment. (4) during the first year decomposition process, the soil animal groups involved in litter decomposition were mainly the methodea, the middle gas gate suborder, the eanthodiptera, the verrucinia, the vermis, the larva of the long horned suborder, the short horned larva and the long horned hopefamily in the first year decomposition process. The group is dominated by the principal component analysis (PCA). There are great differences in the soil animal communities in the coniferous litter and the broad leaf litter and the coniferous and broad-leaved mixed litter, especially in August, and this difference is mainly reflected in the individual density. (5) 3 species of soil fauna, which are involved in litter decomposition by different pore litter bags, are carried out. After 1 years of field test, the contribution rate of soil fauna to broadleaf litter decomposition was 24.75%, of which the contribution rate of large soil animals was 7.40%, the contribution rate of small and medium soil animals was 17.35%, the contribution rate of soil animal to the mixed litter decomposition was 22.36%, the contribution rate of large soil animals was 7.51%, and the contribution rate of small and medium soil animals. 14.85%, the contribution rate of soil fauna to coniferous litter decomposition was 11.05%, the contribution rate of large soil animals was 3.25%. The contribution rate of small and medium soil animals was 7.80%. soil animals to promote different litter decomposition and nutrient element release, and the effect of small and medium soil animals in the process of decomposition was greater than that of large soil animals. The decomposition of the 3 species of litter was mainly promoted by the small and medium soil animals, which played a greater role in promoting broadleaf litter and coniferous and broad-leaved litter, while the promotion of coniferous litter was relatively small, and the role of small and medium soil animals increased from May to October, and the effect of large soil animals was not apparent. Regularity, and some time periods of large soil animals may inhibit the decomposition of litter. The release of soil animals on the release of C elements is more obvious, and more inhibition of N and P elements.


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