

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-19 02:34

  本文選題:高中語文 + 人教版教材; 參考:《洛陽師范學(xué)院》2015年碩士論文

【摘要】:“梳理探究”板塊在現(xiàn)實高中語文教學(xué)實踐中沒有發(fā)揮出其應(yīng)有的作用。原因是:任課老師普遍認為語文新教材單元教學(xué)內(nèi)容量大,教學(xué)任務(wù)繁重,而課時又少,從而造成教學(xué)困惑甚至焦慮;再加上急功近利的考評體制和考試分數(shù)決定一切的目標責任,導(dǎo)致自上而下沒有安排專門的時間認真?zhèn)湔n,更沒有納入中學(xué)教育“立德樹人”的教學(xué)理念中。 “梳理探究”板塊課程的實施建議:加強對“梳理探究”板塊的了解和重視;提倡發(fā)展性評價和激勵性評價的方式;在教學(xué)內(nèi)容的選擇上要基礎(chǔ)性與獨特性并重;采取多種教學(xué)策略,做到靈活多變。如:根據(jù)專題的內(nèi)容做好預(yù)設(shè)和生成的關(guān)系;課堂活動要有多樣性,要根據(jù)學(xué)生的特點和興趣有選擇地進行綜合性活動;“梳理探究”專題的實施可以和其他專題教學(xué)相結(jié)合,進行課外拓展延伸;靈活運用教科書,要“用教科書教”,而不是“教教科書”。 可以把“梳理探究”模塊十五個專題分成兩大類,然后采取兩種方法進行處理,即:對于重“梳理”的專題,在語文教學(xué)中主抓平時積累,利用碎片時間和課下輔導(dǎo)對學(xué)生進行梳理方法的指導(dǎo)和知識的積累;對于重“探究”的專題,由于一部分專題內(nèi)容已經(jīng)在平時的分散時間解決了,可以有充足的時間進行專題活動,有目的、有創(chuàng)新地啟發(fā)誘導(dǎo),激發(fā)探究興趣和熱情,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生探究能力,這樣會取得意想不到的良好的教學(xué)效果。 以“成語:中華文化的微縮景觀”梳理類板塊為例,可做以下教學(xué)實踐: 首先,確定一個教學(xué)計劃。其次,確定三個教學(xué)目標:梳理成語,積累成語,準確熟練地運用成語;培養(yǎng)自主梳理與探究的實踐能力;學(xué)習成語,激發(fā)對中華文化的熱愛之情。然后,制定教學(xué)計劃。 再次,進行具體活動教學(xué)如下:第一,教師對“成語:中華文化的微縮景觀”專題活動進行課前指導(dǎo)。第二,同學(xué)利用課余時間搜集、整理成語,教師可以指導(dǎo)學(xué)生獲得成語的途徑。第三,這一階段的主要任務(wù)是在上一階段對成語的整理、積累情況的基礎(chǔ)上,對成語進行分類。教師在課下可以指導(dǎo)學(xué)生先明確成語都有哪些來源。第四,這一階段主要是進行鞏固、延伸,鍛煉學(xué)生的探究能力。要求學(xué)生根據(jù)自己掌握的成語來探究成語的一些特點,采取小組合作探究的形式來完成。第五,布置一篇自擬題作文,不限主題和題材,,但要求學(xué)生盡可能多地運用積累的成語。
[Abstract]:The "combing and exploring" plate has not played its due role in the practice of Chinese teaching in high school. The reasons are as follows: the teachers generally think that the new Chinese teaching material unit has a large capacity, heavy teaching tasks and less class hours, thus causing confusion and even anxiety in teaching; In addition, the examination system of quick success and instant profit and the examination score decide all the goal responsibility, so that there is no special time to prepare lessons from top to bottom, not to mention it is not included in the teaching idea of "establishing virtue and building people" in middle school education. Suggestions on the implementation of the curriculum of "combing and exploring": to strengthen the understanding and importance of the "combing and exploring"; to advocate the way of developmental evaluation and incentive evaluation; to pay equal attention to the basis and uniqueness of the choice of teaching content; Adopt a variety of teaching strategies to be flexible. For example, the relationship between presupposition and generation should be done well according to the content of the project; the classroom activities should be diversified, and comprehensive activities should be carried out selectively according to the students' characteristics and interests; the implementation of the topic of "combing and exploring" could be combined with the teaching of other topics. Carry on extracurricular extension; use textbooks flexibly, instead of teaching textbooks. We can divide the 15 topics of the "combing and exploring" module into two major categories, and then take two methods to deal with them. That is, for the topic of "combing", the main task in Chinese teaching is to accumulate at ordinary times. The use of fragment time and after-class tutoring to guide students in combing methods and accumulating knowledge; for "inquiry" topics, some of the topics have already been resolved during the usual scattered time. We can have plenty of time for special activities, purposeful, innovative inspiration and guidance, stimulate the interest and enthusiasm of inquiry, cultivate students' inquiry ability, which will achieve unexpected good teaching results. Take "idiom: the miniature landscape of Chinese culture" as an example, we can do the following teaching practice: first, determine a teaching plan. Secondly, three teaching objectives are determined: combing idioms, accumulating idioms, using idioms accurately and skillfully; cultivating the practical ability of self-combing and exploring; learning idioms to stimulate the love of Chinese culture. Then, make a teaching plan. Thirdly, the specific activities are as follows: first, teachers give pre-class instruction to idioms: miniature landscape of Chinese culture. Secondly, teachers can guide students to obtain idioms by collecting and sorting out idioms in their spare time. Thirdly, the main task of this stage is to classify idioms on the basis of the collation and accumulation of idioms. After class, teachers can guide students to identify the source of idioms. Fourth, this stage mainly carries on the consolidation, the extension, the exercise student's inquiry ability. Students are asked to explore some characteristics of idioms according to their own idioms. Fifth, lay out a self-written composition, no matter the theme and subject matter, but require students to use as much as possible of the accumulated idioms.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前6條

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