

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-17 16:57

  本文選題:濕地公園 + 生態(tài)措施 ; 參考:《昆明理工大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The good living environment is related to the physical and mental health of the people and the sustainable development of the rural economy and society, and it is an important content of the construction of the beautiful countryside. Wetland as the kidney of the earth, its construction and development provide practical measures for solving environmental problems. However, it is inevitable that there are still some problems, especially due to the geographical differences in the allocation of plant communities, there is still a lot of room for research and progress, in order to allocate more suitable for the local environment of plant communities, So that they can grow in the natural environment. This paper takes the landscape design of Xiaoxiba Wetland Park as the research object, summarizes the current research situation and the existing problems in the construction of the Wetland Park at home and abroad, and gives full play to the main role of plants in all kinds of landscape planning and design. The principle of relationship between plant communities in general ecology and the relevant ecological techniques are used to perfect the local plant communities and to realize the local species diversity. Through the purification of plants to purify the local residents of domestic sewage and farmland non-point pollution, hoping to carry out a detailed and in-depth discussion of the construction theory of wetland parks, and put forward practical methods for the construction of wetland parks. Give play to the ecological significance of wetland park. Based on the ecological construction of fruit forest and farmland and the transformation of species diversity, the construction of rural wetland park was completed.


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