

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-17 17:20

  本文選題:濱江高架橋 + 高架橋下部空間利用。 參考:《重慶大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of cities, the contradiction between population and land resources is becoming more and more prominent, and the efficient and intensive utilization of urban space has become an inevitable trend. Thus, the existing but not yet fully utilized space presents the great potential to be transformed into multifunctional composite space. The space in the lower part of the viaduct appears as the adjunct space of the urban transportation facilities. The randomness of the design stage and the imperfection of the management mechanism after the completion of the viaduct cause space waste and breed all kinds of social problems at the same time. However, the riverside viaduct in Chongqing takes both traffic and flood control requirements into account, and the lack of linear and continuous structures with fine design becomes the main composition element of the riverside surface, which greatly affects the overall landscape effect of the riverside surface of the city. Therefore, reasonable use of the lower space of the riverside viaduct in Chongqing is of great significance to the social, economic, landscape and other aspects of the city. This paper attempts to take the lower space of the riverside viaduct in the core district of Chongqing as the research object, starting with field investigation and spatial analysis, combining the characteristics of Chongqing's "landscape city". This paper puts forward the utilization principle and strategy of the lower space of riverside viaduct in mountainous city. This paper begins with the general situation of 7 riverside roads in the core area of Chongqing main city, and summarizes its development and evolution into four different stages. Four typical sections of Binjiang Road, Beibin Road, Jiabin Road, Changbin Road and Nanbin Road are selected as the investigation scope, the flood control standards and the land use functions along the route are investigated, and the section of the road is analyzed. This paper summarizes two kinds of connection modes between riverside road and ground, viaduct type and level-connection type, and obtains the distribution of riverside viaduct in the scope of investigation. Then the positive and negative aspects of the impact of the riverside viaduct on the city are discussed, and the future development trend of the riverside viaduct in the core district of Chongqing is analyzed. Then it analyzes and summarizes the influencing factors of the space utilization in the lower part of the riverside viaduct in Chongqing, including related laws and policies, upper planning, spatial ownership, geographical environment, surrounding urban environment, and the form of the lower space of the viaduct. The sight of the landscape and the context of the city. In the use of the lower space of the riverside viaduct, the above restrictive factors should be comprehensively grasped, and the negative space of the city should be transformed by exerting its unique advantages. After the investigation on the status quo of the lower space utilization of typical sections of the riverside viaduct in the core area of Chongqing main City, the social function, spatial form, visual landscape and implementation management of 45 existing utilization cases are analyzed concretely. And finally summed up the use of space under the bridge of the current situation. Finally, based on the investigation and analysis of the above situation, and combining the characteristics of Chongqing's "landscape city", several principles of space utilization in the lower part of the riverside viaduct in the core district of Chongqing are put forward, including integrity, safety, accessibility, hydrophilicity, etc. Ecology, continuity of context and the principle of balance of utilization, etc., and put forward specific utilization strategies from four aspects: social function, spatial form, visual landscape, and implementation management. In order to arouse people's attention to the use of the lower space of the riverside viaduct in the core area of Chongqing, and enrich the relevant research, and then play a guiding role in practical projects.


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