

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-17 10:12

  本文選題:廣州市 + 游憩行為; 參考:《仲愷農(nóng)業(yè)工程學(xué)院》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy and the arrival of the age of mass tourism, leisure agriculture is developing in an all-round way in our country. Its scale is growing, its types are increasing, its quantity is increasing steadily, and it has become an important part of leisure tourism. Therefore, as a place to develop leisure agricultural tourism activities, leisure agricultural park has become an important place for more and more urban residents to spend their leisure time such as weekends. By combing the related research results of predecessors, it is found that the planning and design of leisure tourism scenic spots are mainly focused on tourism development, development planning, landscape design and so on, but for its special types of leisure agricultural parks, From the point of view of tourist recreation behavior, the comprehensive analysis of landscape construction according to different types is less. Therefore, this article from the tourist recreation behavior angle, carries on the classification to the leisure agriculture garden, and carries on the theoretical induction to its landscape constituent factor design, on this basis, unifies the Guangzhou corresponding case to carry on the landscape synthesis analysis. From September 2015 to January 2017, after extensive investigation and comprehensive analysis of the current situation of leisure agriculture park in Guangzhou, this study finally selected tourism, experience and vacation three leisure agricultural parks as a case study, that is, Daqiu Manor in Conghua District. Huadu District Bao Mulberry Garden and Nansha District million sunflower garden. Through field investigation, questionnaire, interview and other means, this paper analyzes the development of leisure agriculture tourism in three leisure agricultural parks, the proportion of tourists divided by recreational behavior, the planning, design and construction of the park. In particular, the design of landscape elements of the park, a certain degree of comparative analysis and comprehensive comments. The conclusions are as follows: different types of leisure agricultural parks are different and universal in the design of landscape elements. First of all, the difference is reflected in: 1) sightseeing leisure agriculture park, and more emphasis on the design of natural environment elements to play the basic tourism function and artificial landscape elements to provide basic tourism service facilities. 2) the experience type leisure agriculture park. Compared with the design of natural and artificial landscape elements, the design of humanistic landscape elements is more prominent. It can closely link with the theme cultural characteristics of the park, and infiltrate the core cultural characteristics into the cultural landscape facilities and experience activities. Then it is more comprehensive to design and build a good natural environment, economical and more complete basic tourism service facilities, as well as the multi-functional development of cultural function facilities. Secondly, its general law is embodied in the design of natural environment elements, followed the principle of conservation and development, followed the principle of conservation and development, and met the dual needs of production and tourism in the park. Fully tap the core agricultural cultural characteristics of the park. Through the above research, we hope to provide theoretical reference and experience reference for the landscape construction and development of Guangzhou leisure agricultural park.


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