

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-17 04:33

  本文選題:大學(xué)校徽 + 圖形。 參考:《山東大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The university emblem originates from the badge, is a combination of words, images and meanings, and is also the product of modern university system. With the development of the university, the university emblem gradually evolves into a relatively perfect structure system, and gradually gets people's attention. Culture as the origin of the birth of graphics, its development and the development of the entire graphic design go hand in hand, the university emblem as a product of graphics and culture, constitute its graphic elements in the production process carrying the cultural connotation of the university. Therefore, the article tries to explore the cultural figure of the university emblem. This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the preface theory, which is mainly about the reason of choosing the research subject, the research background, the current research situation, the significance of the research on the school emblem graphic culture, and the innovation. The second chapter is an overview of the university emblem and its graphic elements, in the interpretation of the university emblem, the historical and cultural origin of the university emblem, the university emblem graphic elements were explored, and finally a preliminary understanding of the university emblem graphics. The third chapter describes the influence factors of the cultural graphic elements in the university emblem, from the regional environment, political factors, national characteristics, subject category, the different personality of the school emblem designer. Write about the relationship between each factor and the figure of school emblem. The fourth chapter is the main part of the article, which is to further explore the cultural graphic elements of the university emblem, to write the image of the university emblem, and to write the "meaning", that is, the moral meaning of the university emblem, including "implication" and "artistic conception". Finally, the typical "elephant" in the university emblem, namely figure, enumerates the dragon, the Phoenix, the lion, the snake and so on has the profound cultural implication figure pattern. The fifth chapter mainly writes the artistic expression form of the university emblem cultural graphic element, has the concrete and the abstract two kinds of expression way, the different expression way can create the new figure shape, produces the new cultural figure; Then write the linguistic elements that make up these cultural graphics: dots, lines, and surfaces. The last chapter is about the transmission of cultural graphics in the university emblem. Taking Shandong University emblem as an example, the paper describes the important spreading value of the cultural figure of the university emblem, and innovates the cultural figure of the university emblem, and extends and sublimates its elements. This article has written the cultural figure in the university emblem on the whole, only thoroughly excavates the university school emblem culture, deeply understands the university school emblem figure implication and the meaning, then can understand the university school emblem graph in depth, In order to more effectively let the university emblem, the graphic world, spread in the world, memory in the "view" world.


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