

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-20 07:59

  本文選題:園林流動(dòng)空間 + 空間關(guān)系; 參考:《中國林業(yè)科學(xué)研究院》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Everything in the world has its own internal law of operation. If we look at the landscape as an art of constructing space, then is there a sequence of genes in landscape phenomena that can determine the external performance of living things? Or is it like the inner law of the rules of composition of notes in musical melodies? The most important basic ability of a landscape designer is spatial organization, and mobile space is the advanced stage of spatial organization. This paper studies the present situation and definition of space and garden space, and discusses the attributes of garden space, summarizes the present situation of landscape flowing space, defines, classifies, and proves the characteristics and significance of garden flowing space. The formative method and configuration mode are summarized, the design thinking of spatial flow of 2 and 2.5 dimensions is extended to 3 dimensional or even high dimension, the flow space of the sample garden is analyzed and studied quantitatively by professional computer space analysis software. This paper analyzes the forming reasons of the flowing space of Chinese classical garden and western modern garden, and draws the conclusion that the "fuzzy configuration" of Chinese classical garden and the space layout of western modern garden are rational and the design order is clear. According to the existing research progress, this paper reveals the shortcomings and drawbacks of the current research. Through investigation and research, the laws are obtained and verified by data analysis, the logical thinking and technical methods contained in reasoning, and the design rules and general rules are systematically combed. This paper summarizes the existing methods of landscape space analysis, and focuses on the quantitative analysis results, and tries to expand the scope of its application. Through analysis, research, combing and induction of each group of relationships in the landscape spatial configuration, in the face of various spatial configurations, can form a clear understanding, and provide a guide and reference for designers in the design of spatial configuration. At the same time, the previous quantitative analysis methods of garden space are only artificial and one-sided scale analysis, which push them into a more comprehensive and objective level of digital quantitative analysis using professional software. This paper evaluates the relationship between spatial configuration and landscape architecture from a new angle, and promotes the process of landscape architecture computerization.


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