

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-20 11:44

  本文選題:關(guān)中盆地 + 地質(zhì)遺跡 ; 參考:《長安大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The Guanzhong basin is the area where the Weihe River and its main tributaries converge into the Yellow River, so it is called the Weihe River alluvial plain. The east of the basin is Fanguguan, the west is Sanguan, the south is Wanguan, the north is Xiaoguan, and the four customs are hostage, so the central plain is also called. The Guanzhong basin starts from Baoji in the west and reaches the Yellow River in the east, south of the Qinling Mountains in the south and Weibei low mountain in the north, with an east-west length of about 400km, and an area of about 3400km2 across the north and south of the basin. The Guanzhong basin is located at the junction of the Ordos platform and the Qinling fold belt and is located at the important tectonic boundary in China. As a typical Cenozoic rifting basin in the Chinese mainland, the Guanzhong basin has strong neotectonic activity and obvious appearance, and is also one of the areas with high research level of neotectonic movement in China, and has obvious periodicity in the evolution process. There is good consistency between neotectonic activity and spatial distribution and variation of geomorphology, water system, Quaternary sediments, hot springs, earthquakes and geological disasters. Because this area is located at the transition site of four different tectonic units, and is affected by the whole activity of the fen Wei rift belt, the topography and geomorphology are complicated, the river landforms and hot springs are developed, and the rich geological relics resources are formed in this area. After the exploitation and protection of geological relics and the development of tourism, a series of tourist attractions with geological relics as the main body have been formed in this area, especially the development of all kinds of geopark, which is dominated by the world geopark in the Qinling Mountains. It promotes the exploitation and utilization of geological relics resources in this area. Based on the project of "1: 100,000 Hydrogeologic Engineering Geological Survey of Guanzhong Basin", this paper establishes a geological relic evaluation model by field investigation and data collection of geological relics tourism resources in Guanzhong Basin. The scientific value and tourism value of geological relics in the region are evaluated, and the formation mechanism of geological relics in this area is analyzed and studied from the aspects of regional geology, neotectonic movement and geomorphology. Finally, the development, protection and sustainable utilization of geological relics resources in Guanzhong Basin are discussed, and suggestions and countermeasures for exploitation and protection of geological relics landscape in Guanzhong Basin are put forward.


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