

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-20 04:21

  本文選題:浮雕 + 裝飾畫浮雕。 參考:《湖北美術學院》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Relief is the combination of sculpture and painting. Not only has the sculpture space solid modelling characteristic, but also has the painting color and the linear expression form. Decorative painting relief has the advantages of both painting and sculpture. The flat decorative art language is created and applied to display and develop in an independent style. It is widely used in the public environment and home decoration, and not only beautifies the living environment, but also beautifies people's living environment. It can also play a spreading role in art. The progress of the times and the development of science and technology broaden people's horizons and influence people's and society's sense of aesthetics. The process of urbanization, the transformation of the environment and the needs of people, more decorative painting relief provides a broader space, but also increased the application of decorative painting relief needs. So we should combine the reality, pay attention to the aesthetic decoration under the condition, make better modern decorative painting relief works, make it better adapt, better appear in the ordinary people's life, work environment. By studying the source and development of modern decorative painting relief and combining the application practice of contemporary decorative painting relief in public environment, household life and other aspects, this paper explores the application of modern decorative painting relief in new forms. Further put forward to the modern decorative painting relief art market application thinking.


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