

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-19 16:36

  本文選題:苗疆邊墻 + 防御; 參考:《華中農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In the background of rapid economic development, many settlements are strongly impacted by foreign culture and modern technology. The original settlement landscape has been destroyed and gradually become a common village composed of steel and mixed soil. Therefore, the research on the protection of the settlement landscape is imminent. This paper is based on the Miao border wall settlement as the research object, based on the border wall of the Miao area. The main research contents and results of this paper are as follows: first, through literature review and desk research, the natural environment, historical evolution, spatial characteristics and defense connotation of the border wall system are analyzed from the whole scale. After combing the current situation along the border wall of the Miao area, 5 settlements are selected as the research object. At the same time, the identification method of settlement features suitable for settlement along the border wall of the Miao area is constructed. Third, according to this method, two layers are faced from the whole settlement (history, site selection, whole space) and settlement elements (farmland, vegetation, water body, and settlement space). The landscape characteristics of the settlement along the border wall of the Miao area are identified. At the same time, human perception content (color, texture, space and so on) is added to the recognition of different levels. Fourth, finding common (regional landscape characteristics) and characteristics between different settlements and extracting the landscape characteristics of various settlements. In the end, the protection strategy is put forward from the three aspects of the whole scale of the border wall of the Miao area, the settlement along the line and the typical settlement. Among them, the protection of the full scale protection from the site, the surrounding environment and the cultural environment is carried out. The protection of the settlements along the line is the feature of the protection of the regional landscape, and the typical settlement protection is the protection of the landscape characteristics. Through the above, the protection of the settlement is the characteristic of the settlement. This study will provide new ideas for the study of settlement landscape protection along the side walls of Miao river.


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