

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-19 16:29

  本文選題:琉璃藝術(shù) + 師徒傳承。 參考:《山東藝術(shù)學(xué)院》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Based on the review of the development of Bushan glaze, it is found that the development of this traditional art form with splendid culture and history is unsatisfactory, difficult to teach, difficult to learn, and the crisis of inheritance should not be underestimated. The traditional way of inheriting Bushan glaze is the combination of family inheritance and teacher-disciple inheritance. However, since the large-scale industrial production of the 1960s, the traditional way of inheritance has undergone a fundamental change. The way factories operate and the way they consume and consume the art of glazing glaze have made the number of apprentices less and less. Art itself is impacted by the market; as a traditional cultural heritage, the art of glazed glaze has undergone fundamental changes in shape, color, craftsmanship and moral, as a result of socialized mass production and the influence of modern art. This kind of change is not only the modern process of art form itself, but also the crisis that the traditional culture factor is gradually missing. It is considered that the change of traditional teaching mode of Bushan glaze has a close relationship with the change of production mode, and the change of production mode has influenced the inheritance relationship between the family style of Bushan glaze and the combination of master and apprenticeship. It also affects the way of inheritance in different periods and systems. On the one hand, the crisis of inheritance is influenced by the economic environment, on the other hand, it is restricted by the changes of social cultural environment. The curriculum of glass in modern schools is a kind of development of traditional studio system. On the basis of teaching theory, it also emphasizes the cultivation of students' aesthetic ability. Modern school education is not only a new way to solve the crisis of inheritance, but also an important supplement to the traditional inheritance of teacher and disciple.


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