

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-19 10:30

  本文選題:應(yīng)急避難場所 + 空間布局; 參考:《東北師范大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Since the 20th century, human society and science and technology have developed rapidly and social civilization has been progressing. Human beings give up backward villages and concentrate in cities, which brings urbanization phenomenon all over the world. As urbanization intensifies, cities begin to expand rapidly, and large numbers of people gather with huge personal property. At the same time, social disasters (explosion, time epidemic, terrorist attack, etc.) and natural disasters (earthquake, flood, debris flow, etc.) caused by human factors occur constantly. Due to the high concentration of population and social wealth, the risks and effects of these disasters are enormous. Therefore, in every stage of disaster, emergency shelter is an important place for urban residents to avoid risks and wait for assistance. However, due to the diversity and complexity of urban functions, scale, and the liberalization of urban operation and development, emergency shelters must have multiple identities in order to make better use of limited urban land resources. Therefore, it is of great theoretical significance and social value to study the location, layout and accessibility of emergency shelter. In this paper, the landscape ecology evaluation method, traffic network proximity evaluation method, grid GIS and remote sensing image interpretation technology are applied to the main urban area of Changchun City, Jilin Province, and comprehensive application of landscape ecology evaluation method, traffic network proximity evaluation method, and remote sensing image interpretation technology. The spatial distribution and accessibility of 337 temporary emergency shelters and 37 listed emergency shelters in Changchun are analyzed and evaluated. At the same time, the optimization strategy of the space layout of emergency shelter in Changchun is put forward and verified by simulation. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is introduction. This paper expounds the research background of this paper: it discusses the macroscopic background of the thesis from three aspects: the study of urban safety, the theory and practice of spatial pattern, and the evaluation, then introduces the research area and explains the significance of the research. Chapter two: literature review at home and abroad. From the planning layout of emergency shelter, emergency shelter management, emergency shelter evaluation, research methods and scale of the literature at home and abroad were analyzed and discussed. Summarize and summarize the characteristics and shortcomings of domestic and foreign research. The third chapter studies the method, the content and the technical route. On the basis of previous studies, using the landscape pattern index and traffic network index to describe the distribution characteristics of temporary emergency shelter sites, we use grid GIS and nearest facilities to find service areas. The improved Gao Si mobile search method is used to evaluate the accessibility of the existing sheltered places. Finally, the construction of emergency shelter which can be used and meets the needs of citizens is put forward. Supplement the existing layout. Chapter IV the spatial pattern of emergency shelter. On the basis of the previous study, the spatial distribution of emergency shelter was demonstrated, and the spatial distribution of emergency shelter was evaluated by using landscape pattern index and traffic network proximity. Chapter V Evaluation of the effectiveness of emergency shelter. After analyzing the distribution of temporary emergency shelters in Changchun City, the service area, accessibility and layout optimization of emergency shelters listed by the government are analyzed. Chapter VI conclusion and discussion 1. By calculating the relative index, it is considered that the temporary emergency shelters in Changchun are uniformly distributed in general, and also accord with the distance attenuation in geography, that is, the distance between the emergency shelters from the city center to the suburbs is from small to large, and the density is from dense to sparse. 2. The service area of the emergency shelter is calculated by the nearest facilities: the service area in the central urban area is smaller, while the service area in the peripheral area is larger. The results show that the reachability in the grid is obviously multi-center polarization by the two-part mobile search method. The eastern and northern parts of the city need further optimization.


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