

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-19 08:52

  本文選題:城市道路 + 道路空間 ; 參考:《南京林業(yè)大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:When the wheels of the rolling times lead people into the automobile age, an information society that advocates speed, efficiency and technology, urban roads begin to show themselves to the world in a different way. "Speed" as the theme of the "big and sparse" road swept into the city for a time, road widening, expanding into the city streets and lanes is not surprising. The original urban road space form was challenged. People began to realize that the construction of urban road space in the new period should coordinate the relationship between people's leisure and traffic, coordinate the balance of visual scale between vehicle and pedestrian in road space, and realize the symbiosis between pedestrian and vehicular space. So how to build in the urban road space to realize is the reason of this article from the road space landscape design. As designers, in the face of the speed challenges brought by the development of the times, how to use the means of landscape for the effective construction of urban road space, It is the important content and significance of this paper to supplement the function demand of urban road space in the new era by landscape technique. This paper starts with the influencing factors of the urban road space landscape design, and divides it into the visible material entity, the dominant factor and the hidden factors, such as historical culture, times science and technology, environment and so on. Based on the commonness and difference of human and vehicle visual perception and its activity behavior, the landscape expression in urban road space is classified and studied, and the construction strategy is put forward. In order to realize the rational design of urban road space landscape. This paper studies the dominant influencing factors of road space landscape design-road alignment, road greening, road facilities, road architecture, road sketch and road space landscape design-humanistic history, time and technology, and the hidden factors of road space landscape design, such as road alignment, road greening, road facilities, road architecture, road sketch and road space landscape design. In order to realize the effective construction of urban road space landscape, this paper probes into its spatial landscape expression and construction strategy.


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