

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-19 04:11

  本文選題:潮河流域 + 植被變化; 參考:《北京林業(yè)大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

【摘要】:水是支撐全球社會經(jīng)濟(jì)可持續(xù)發(fā)展不可替代的資源。在特定流域內(nèi),由于流域廣泛存在的異質(zhì)性和流域內(nèi)人類活動與氣候變異因素的相互疊加與耦合,流域植被的不同經(jīng)營管理措施對流域水資源的影響呈現(xiàn)多樣化的特點。本研究以潮河流域為研究對象,根據(jù)流域內(nèi)的MODIS數(shù)據(jù)、水文氣象數(shù)據(jù)以及植被分布資料,運(yùn)用ENVI、ArcGIS軟件,對流域內(nèi)植被動態(tài)變化及其對氣候因子的響應(yīng)進(jìn)行分析;運(yùn)用多種方法估算了流域的實際蒸散發(fā),探討了潮河流域從2001年到2012年的產(chǎn)水量狀況,并結(jié)合Fragstats和Matlab等軟件,探討了流域內(nèi)景觀格局變化對潮河流域徑流量的影響。本研究的結(jié)論包括:(1)LAI和GPP對降雨量因子相關(guān)性顯著,對溫度因子在年尺度上相關(guān)性不顯著。降水因子對植被的動態(tài)變化對大于溫度因子對其的影響。(2)潮河流域的降雨量在空間分布上呈現(xiàn)南多北少的格局;年內(nèi)分布上,七月份降雨量最大,1月份最少。年均溫度以0.215℃/10a的速度升高,潮河的徑流量明顯減少,呈現(xiàn)以28年為周期的豐枯轉(zhuǎn)換。(3)根據(jù)MODIS數(shù)據(jù)、Zhang L.公式以及水分利用效率(WUE)和總初級生產(chǎn)力(GPP)的關(guān)系,估算了流域?qū)嶋H蒸散發(fā)的空間分布,其中,Zhang L.公式計算的精度最好;MODIS計算的其次,利用WUE和GPP計算的精度最低。(4)2001-2012年潮河流域的P-ET(產(chǎn)流量)呈現(xiàn)出顯著減少的趨勢,年際差異很大,多不同植被類型多年平均P-ET值大小為:耕地草地灌木林地林地,潮河的水量補(bǔ)給主要發(fā)生在潮河的上游和下游的中部地區(qū)。(5)潮河徑流量隨著景觀形狀指數(shù)的增大而減小,在平均斑塊周長為1050m、流域斑塊數(shù)量為110000以及Shannon's多樣性指數(shù)為1,33左右時,斑塊的綜合截留能力最強(qiáng),流域產(chǎn)流能力最弱。
[Abstract]:Water is an irreplaceable resource to support the sustainable development of the global social economy. In a particular basin, due to the heterogeneity of the basin and the superposition and coupling of human activities and climatic variation factors in the basin, the different management measures of the watershed vegetation have diversified characteristics on the water resources of the basin. The river area is the research object. According to the MODIS data, hydrometeorological data and vegetation distribution data in the basin, the dynamic changes of vegetation and the response to climate factors in the basin are analyzed with ENVI and ArcGIS software, and the actual evapotranspiration of the river basin is estimated by using a variety of methods, and the water production from 2001 to 2012 in the river basin is discussed. The effects of landscape pattern changes on the runoff in the tidal river basin are discussed with the software of Fragstats and Matlab. The conclusions of this study include: (1) the correlation between LAI and GPP is significant and the correlation of temperature factors on the annual scale is not significant. The dynamic changes of Precipitation Factors to vegetation are greater than the temperature factors. (2) the spatial distribution of rainfall in the tidal river basin shows the pattern of South and North in the spatial distribution; in the annual distribution, the rainfall is the largest in July and the least in January. The annual average temperature rises at 0.215 /10a, the flow rate of the tidal river decreases obviously, and presents a 28 year cycle. (3) according to the MODIS data, the Zhang L. formula and The relationship between water use efficiency (WUE) and total primary productivity (GPP) is used to estimate the spatial distribution of the actual evapotranspiration in the basin. Among them, the precision of Zhang L. formula is the best, and the next of MODIS calculation is the lowest precision calculated by WUE and GPP. (4) the P-ET (production flow) of the tidal river basin in 2001-2012 years shows a significant decreasing trend, and the interannual difference is very good. The annual average P-ET value of different vegetation types is: cultivated land and shrubs and shrubs and forestland. The water supply of the tidal river mainly occurs in the upper and lower reaches of the tidal river. (5) the flow rate of the tidal river decreases with the increase of the landscape shape index, and the average patch circumference is 1050m, the patch number of the river basin is 110000 and the Shannon's is more than that of the river. When the sampling index is about 1,33, the comprehensive interception ability of the patch is the strongest, and the runoff generation capacity of the watershed is the weakest.


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