

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-18 08:54

  本文選題:可持續(xù)雨水管理 + 綠色建筑; 參考:《山東建筑大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In the process of large-scale and high-density construction and development of cities, there are many environmental problems, such as energy crisis, intensified air pollution, shortage of water resources, frequent flood disasters, groundwater pollution and so on. Based on this, urban construction began to change from industrial civilization to ecological civilization, and sustainable concept became the inevitable choice of social development. In the different period of urbanization, facing different problems, the connotation of sustainable concept changes dynamically. From the concept of green building to the concept of sustainable Rain Water management, the connotation of sustainable concept deepens continuously. The present situation of multi-concept and multi-standard parallel is formed, such as "Green Building Evaluation Standard", "Sponge City Construction Technical Guide", "low impact Development Rain Water system Construction (trial)" and so on. In view of this problem, the designer needs an overall solution to scientifically coordinate the design procedure of architectural design, and the integrated design method of architecture and landscape can solve this problem better. This study is based on the theory and application of the concept of green building and sustainable Rain Water management, through consulting a large number of literature and field research, combined with domestic and foreign related practice cases to analyze. From the perspective of architecture, this paper studies the integrated scheme of green building concept and sustainable Rain Water management concept, puts forward the design process of architecture and landscape integration, and summarizes the design principles and specific design methods. Taking the design of primary and middle schools as an example, the design flow, design principle and design method are verified by combining qualitative and quantitative methods. As the direction covers a wide range of areas, content is more, so this design and analysis focused on the shape of the stage of operation, from the overall layout of the scheme, architectural space form, The relationship between green architecture concept and landscape integrated design is analyzed. Through the research of architecture and landscape integrated design based on the concept of sustainable Rain Water management, this paper attempts to integrate green building and sustainable Rain Water management, and discusses a more comprehensive design method of architecture and landscape integration. Applying the connotation of sustainable concept to architectural design can solve the problem of water resources and energy scientifically and effectively in order to bring some new ideas to the research of architectural design.


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