

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-18 07:14

  本文選題:安置區(qū) + 景觀設(shè)計; 參考:《安徽建筑大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In the rapid urbanization of today, urban construction towards a modern metropolis model quickly, catch up with the development of high. In order to conform to the process of urbanization, to expand the scale of cities, to transform old areas, to move and build new areas and to open up new areas, it has had a positive impact on the utilization of land resources, but at the same time, it is also facing the problem of relocation and resettlement of farmers in the former residence. In order to properly resettle these demolition households and maintain social stability, centralized resettlement of communities has become the main planning and construction mode. The rehousing area is generally located on the edge of the city, and the living environment has not yet reached the sound state of liveability. When the government invests in the construction of this kind of community, it mainly aims to solve the problem of resettlement (or local integration) of the landless residents. The purpose of resettlement is only to solve the housing problem, and not enough attention has been paid to the quality of the environment and the landscape of the residents; in addition, Most require short construction period, strict cost control, in order to reduce the cost of resettlement expenditure. At the same time, the terrain is flat, the water source is relatively few, the vegetation type is limited, and the water landscape, topography and plant diversity in the design area will be restricted. All these put forward the severe test for the landscape design in the north of Anhui province. Based on the above factors, the author combines the engineering experience, through extensive investigation and reference of relevant documents, using modern housing planning and design and landscape planning design methods, according to the characteristics of the resettlement area, using the comparative method, analysis, This paper studies the landscape design of the resettlement area in northern Anhui Province by systematic induction and theory combined with practical case law. Through combing relevant research and extensive investigation at home and abroad, this paper deeply excavates the influencing factors of landscape design in northern Anhui, and probes into the factors of natural geographical environment, leading factors, main features and landscape design strategies, etc. Analyze the existing problems of landscape design, respectively from the lack of basic research lack of pertinence, lack of culture and context, a comprehensive combination of landscape design relative lack of summary and induction, Based on the research on the landscape design of the resettlement area in the north of Anhui Province, this paper analyzes the regional natural factors, regional culture, inheritance and innovation and urban renewal of the landscape design of the resettlement area in the north of Anhui Province. This paper explores the practical countermeasures of sustainable landscape design in the resettlement area of northern Anhui. Through the case study-Dongping Wei resettlement area in Fuyang City, the theory and method of landscape design of the resettlement area are proved to be practical. This paper can guide the landscape planning and design of the resettlement area in the north of Anhui Province, provide the basis for the landscape planning and design of the resettlement area in the north of Anhui Province, and provide reference for the landscape planning and design of other similar areas.


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