

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-18 12:26

  本文選題:盆景園 + 文化表達(dá); 參考:《湖南工業(yè)大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Bonsai art originated in ancient China, with all kinds of plants in nature and stone as the base material, through the careful carving and domestication of the craftsmen, the magnificent appearance of the natural world was reproduced in the small pots in the square. Chinese bonsai works stand on the earth of the world art with its unique classical natural interest, which is a unique traditional garden art form in China. The bonsai art reflects the author's observation and reflection on the natural environment and is the crystallization of Chinese garden culture and horticultural technology. From the discovery of materials, it first appeared more than 1000 years ago in the Tang Dynasty murals. As a part of Chinese garden culture, bonsai art has been developed and formed many schools, especially in the south of China. China has a long history of bonsai development, but the place where bonsai is concentrated is only after the park. The appearance of bonsai exhibition garden has played a very positive role in the development of bonsai industry in China. Most of China's modern basin gardens are the product of the 1970s and 1980s, and the more famous ones are in the areas south of the Yangtze River, such as those in Guilin and Liuzhou in Guangxi, and in Chengdu and Chongqing in Sichuan. Shanghai and Wuxi basin garden and so on. These pots have their own characteristics in design, some novel, ingenuity, a new generation of style; some antique, rich in local charm. Both of them provide conditions for the revival and development of bonsai art and are highly praised by Chinese and foreign enthusiasts. Combining with the actual project of the author, the author summarizes and studies the local customs culture, farming culture, Yan emperor culture, bonsai culture, Huxiang culture, and other cultural characteristics of Yandi Mausoleum, such as the Shennong basin landscape garden of Yandi Mausoleum in China. To form a complete cultural research system, to provide reference and theoretical support for the landscape design of Shennong basin landscape, in order to achieve a comprehensive, multi-angle, three-dimensional display of Shennong cultural characteristics of the basin landscape design, Yanling County and Zhuzhou City inject new spiritual soul, create high-taste tourist attractions.


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