

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-17 16:09

  本文選題:銀川黃河濕地 + 細(xì)菌分離鑒定; 參考:《寧夏大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

【摘要】:濕地是連結(jié)陸地與水體之間的紐帶,不僅擁有陸生生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的特點(diǎn),而且還具有水生生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的特點(diǎn),具備很多獨(dú)有的特性及功能,能夠?yàn)闈竦刂性S多不同種類的植物、動(dòng)物和多種多樣的微生物創(chuàng)造良好的生存環(huán)境,同時(shí)也是生物多樣性最龐大且繁雜的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)。濕地作為“地球之腎”,在生態(tài)環(huán)境中具有不可替代的作用,不僅可以對(duì)當(dāng)?shù)氐乃催M(jìn)行補(bǔ)償,還表現(xiàn)出較強(qiáng)的防洪蓄水、調(diào)節(jié)區(qū)域氣候、保護(hù)物種多樣性、維持生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的平衡、固定二氧化碳等生態(tài)功能,同時(shí)還具有較明顯的降解污染物、凈化水質(zhì)的能力。此外,濕地可以產(chǎn)生一定的淡水資源、動(dòng)植物產(chǎn)品和礦物資源,不僅體現(xiàn)出良好的經(jīng)濟(jì)效益,還擁有一定的社會(huì)效益,在景觀和教育方面也有很大的價(jià)值。濕地在完成水質(zhì)凈化功能的過(guò)程中主要通過(guò)土壤——植物——微生物這個(gè)復(fù)合生態(tài)系統(tǒng)來(lái)進(jìn)行的,以物理、化學(xué)和生物三重協(xié)調(diào)作用實(shí)現(xiàn)對(duì)污水的高效凈化目的。濕地微生物在這個(gè)過(guò)程當(dāng)中占有極其重要的地位,它不僅承擔(dān)著維持生態(tài)系統(tǒng)平衡的角色,還在污染物的去除方面發(fā)揮著相當(dāng)重要的作用。濕地生態(tài)系統(tǒng)在發(fā)揮凈水作用的過(guò)程中,微生物的各類活動(dòng)是實(shí)現(xiàn)有機(jī)物降解和轉(zhuǎn)化的主要渠道,頗為充沛的微生物數(shù)量和種類給濕地這個(gè)天然的、復(fù)合的、高效的污水凈化系統(tǒng)來(lái)帶了足夠的分解者。通過(guò)研究綜述發(fā)現(xiàn)國(guó)內(nèi)外對(duì)濕地微生物的研究廣泛,但西部地區(qū)存在顯著的研究匱乏現(xiàn)象。寧夏平原由于其特殊的自然地理?xiàng)l件,不僅造就了大量的濕地資源,而且濕地類型多樣、分布廣泛。銀川黃河濕地是寧夏眾多濕地資源中較為鮮見(jiàn)的受人類影響活動(dòng)較小的湖泊濕地,對(duì)銀川平原的氣候、水資源、生物多樣性、自然景觀等多個(gè)方面發(fā)揮著重要的生態(tài)服務(wù)功能,在黃河生態(tài)安全維護(hù)和銀川平原的生態(tài)建設(shè)中充當(dāng)著重要的角色。本次研究通過(guò)利用各項(xiàng)水質(zhì)檢測(cè)和評(píng)價(jià)方法,對(duì)銀川黃河濕地7個(gè)不同區(qū)域水樣的水質(zhì)情況和細(xì)菌數(shù)量進(jìn)行野外調(diào)查、采樣、分析測(cè)試,初步了解了黃河濕地A區(qū)的細(xì)菌菌落均數(shù)及各類污染物的時(shí)空分布規(guī)律,發(fā)現(xiàn)細(xì)菌數(shù)量與有機(jī)類污染物的去除率間存在著顯著相關(guān)性,然后采用目前較為成熟的分子生物學(xué)方法確定了銀川黃河濕地細(xì)菌的種類構(gòu)成,進(jìn)一步采用模擬人工濕地進(jìn)行為期60h的生活污水模擬實(shí)驗(yàn),對(duì)其中6株菌的去污能力進(jìn)行測(cè)定后,最終篩選出對(duì)水中CODcr、氨氮、總磷都有較好降解效率的兩株菌,運(yùn)用微生物傳統(tǒng)鑒定方法對(duì)這兩株細(xì)菌進(jìn)行生理生化鑒定,并對(duì)其中一株細(xì)菌構(gòu)建了系統(tǒng)發(fā)育樹(shù),確定了其生物學(xué)地位。此次實(shí)驗(yàn)研究不僅提升了銀川平原乃至寧夏在濕地功能菌研究方面的深度,提升濕地水環(huán)境處理能力,充分發(fā)揮濕地資源的生態(tài)服務(wù)功能,為濕地資源的保護(hù)和有效利用提供技術(shù)支撐,為銀川平原水資源的高效循環(huán)利用奠定了理論基礎(chǔ)。結(jié)論如下:(1)銀川黃河濕地水體污染物濃度在不同時(shí)期的分布存在一定的變化,且差異性較大。春季的綜合污染指數(shù)相對(duì)偏高,超出全年綜合污染指數(shù)平均值;夏季綜合污染指數(shù)低于春季,但也超出全年綜合污染指數(shù)平均值,變化較明顯;秋季的綜合污染指數(shù)相對(duì)偏低,并且各點(diǎn)位之間存在波動(dòng)變化;冬季濕地出現(xiàn)結(jié)冰現(xiàn)象,污染物的變化不是十分的顯著,故綜合污染指數(shù)也不是很顯著。整體而言,春季水質(zhì)相對(duì)較差,其次是夏季。另外,采樣點(diǎn)細(xì)菌菌落總數(shù)平均數(shù)在四個(gè)季節(jié)存在動(dòng)態(tài)變化的趨勢(shì),呈現(xiàn)夏秋春冬的總體變化趨勢(shì)。(2)春季和秋季,細(xì)菌數(shù)量與污染物的去除率及污染物濃度沒(méi)有相關(guān)性:夏季,五日生化需氧量的濃度與細(xì)菌數(shù)量成負(fù)相關(guān)(P0.05,r=-0.844),而在冬季,有機(jī)物的去除率則與細(xì)菌數(shù)量成正相關(guān)(P0.05,r=0.863)。(3)銀川黃河濕地水體經(jīng)細(xì)菌的培養(yǎng)和分離純化后,共獲得純化培養(yǎng)物73個(gè),通過(guò)16srDNA測(cè)序后與NCBI數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)比對(duì),結(jié)果分離獲得7屬23種細(xì)菌,其中芽孢桿菌屬(Bacillus)9株,假單胞菌屬(Pseudomonas)5株,不動(dòng)桿菌屬(Acinetobacter) 3株,氣單胞菌屬(Aeromonas)3株,動(dòng)性桿菌屬(Planomicrobium)1株,希瓦氏菌(Shewanella)1株,寡養(yǎng)單胞菌屬(Stenotrophomonas)1株。(4)通過(guò)對(duì)分離純化后的23株細(xì)菌進(jìn)行馴化培養(yǎng),其中有6株菌的生長(zhǎng)狀況相對(duì)較好,對(duì)這6株菌進(jìn)一步進(jìn)行污染物降解能力研究。將菌株投入生活污水中的60h內(nèi),各污染物的濃度變化基本都呈現(xiàn)不同的趨勢(shì),不同菌株對(duì)污染物的降解能力各不相同,而同種菌株對(duì)不同污染物的能力也有差異。菌株HG1、HG5、HG4、HG2對(duì)污水中CODcr的降解效果最好,去除率分別為49.06%、35.45%、31.34%和24.2%;菌株HG4、HG1、HG6、HG3對(duì)污水中NH3-N的降解效果最好,去除率分別為49.53%、47.1%、33.64%和25.63%;菌株HG1、HG4、HG2、HG3對(duì)污水中TP的降解效果最好,去除率分別為35.82%、25.3%、22.23%和15.75%。綜上所述,實(shí)驗(yàn)共從黃河濕水體中分離獲得了23株純化細(xì)菌菌株,通過(guò)污染物降解能力研究,菌株HG1對(duì)CODcr、氨氮、總磷的降解能力最突出,于是對(duì)菌株HG1構(gòu)建系統(tǒng)發(fā)育樹(shù),最終判斷它的分類地位是屬于熒光假單胞菌(Pseudomonas fluorescens)
[Abstract]:Wetland is a link between land and water. It not only has the characteristics of terrestrial ecosystem, but also has the characteristics of aquatic ecosystem. It has many unique characteristics and functions. It can create a good living environment for many different kinds of plants, animals and various kinds of microorganisms in the wetland, and it is also a biological diversity. As the "kidney of the earth", the wetland, as the "kidney of the earth", has an irreplaceable role in the ecological environment. It can not only compensate the local water source, but also show strong flood control and storage, adjust the regional climate, protect the species diversity, maintain the balance of the biological system, fixed the ecological functions of carbon dioxide and so on. It also has the ability to degrade pollutants and purify the water quality. In addition, wetland can produce certain fresh water resources, animal and plant products and mineral resources, not only embodies good economic benefits, but also has certain social benefits, and has great value in landscape and education. Wetland is in the process of completing the water purification function. Mainly through the compound ecosystem of soil, plant and microorganism, the purpose of efficient purification of sewage is achieved by the three heavy coordination of physics, chemistry and biology. The wetland microorganism occupies an extremely important position in this process. It not only bears the role of maintaining the balance of the ecological system, but also the pollutant. In the process of water purification, the various activities of the microorganism are the main channels for the degradation and transformation of organic matter. The abundant microbial quantity and species have brought enough decomposer to the natural, complex and efficient sewage purification system of the wetland. It is found that there are extensive research on wetland microorganisms at home and abroad, but there are significant lack of research in the western region. Because of its special natural and geographical conditions, Ningxia plain has not only created a large number of wetland resources, but also the wetland types are diverse and widely distributed. The the Yellow River wetland in Yinchuan is relatively rare in many wetland resources in Ningxia. The lake wetland, which is less affected by human activities, plays an important role in the ecological service function of the climate, water resources, biodiversity and natural landscape of the Yinchuan plain. It plays an important role in the ecological security maintenance of the Yellow River and the ecological construction of the Yinchuan plain. Methods the water quality and the number of bacteria in the water samples of 7 different regions of the Yellow River wetland in Yinchuan were investigated, sampled and analyzed. The number of bacterial colonies and the spatial and temporal distribution of all kinds of pollutants in the A area of the Yellow River wetland were preliminarily understood. The species composition of the the Yellow River wetland bacteria in Yinchuan, Yinchuan, was determined by the mature molecular biology method. The simulated artificial wetland was used to simulate the sewage of the sewage. After measuring the decontamination ability of 6 strains, two strains with good degradation efficiency were screened out. The biological and biochemical identification of the two strains of bacteria was carried out by the traditional microbial identification method. The phylogenetic tree of one of the bacteria was constructed and its biological status was determined. The experimental study not only promoted the depth of the research on the functional bacteria of the wetland in Yinchuan plain and Ningxia, but also promoted the water environment treatment ability of the wetland, and made full use of the wet water. The ecological service function of the land resources provides technical support for the protection and effective utilization of wetland resources and lays a theoretical foundation for the efficient recycling of water resources in Yinchuan plain. (1) there is a definite change in the distribution of pollutants in the water body of Yinchuan the Yellow River wetland in different periods, and the difference is great. The index is relatively high, exceeding the average of the comprehensive pollution index of the whole year; the comprehensive pollution index in summer is lower than that in spring, but it is also beyond the average of the comprehensive pollution index of the whole year. The comprehensive pollution index in autumn is relatively low, and there is a fluctuation between the points in the winter season. Very significant, so the comprehensive pollution index is not very significant. As a whole, the water quality is relatively poor in spring, followed by summer. In addition, the average number of bacterial colonies in the sampling point is dynamic in four seasons, showing the general trend of summer and autumn spring and winter. (2) spring and autumn, the number of bacteria and the removal rate of pollutants and pollution. The concentration of the dye was not related: in summer, the concentration of biochemical oxygen demand was negatively correlated with the number of bacteria (P0.05, r=-0.844). In winter, the removal rate of organic matter was positively related to the number of bacteria (P0.05, r=0.863). (3) after the cultivation and purification of bacteria in Yinchuan the Yellow River wetland, 73 purified cultures were obtained, through 16srDNA After sequencing, compared with the NCBI database, 7 genera and 23 bacteria were isolated, including 9 strains of Bacillus (Bacillus), 5 Pseudomonas (Pseudomonas), 3 Acinetobacter (Acinetobacter), 3 strains of Aeromonas (Aeromonas), 1 strains of Planomicrobium, 1 of Shewanella, and Stenotrophomo (Stenotrophomo). NAS) 1 strains. (4) through the domestication and culture of 23 strains of bacteria after separation and purification, the growth of 6 strains of bacteria is relatively good, and the degradation ability of the 6 strains of bacteria is further studied. In the 60H of the sewage, the concentration changes of the pollutants are basically different, and the difference of the strains to the pollutants is reduced. The ability of the solution is different, and the ability of the same strains to different pollutants is also different. Strain HG1, HG5, HG4, HG2 have the best degradation effect of CODcr in sewage, and the removal rates are 49.06%, 35.45%, 31.34% and 24.2% respectively. Strain HG4, HG1, HG6, HG3 are best for the degradation of NH3-N in sewage, and the removal rates are 49.53%, 47.1%, 33.64% and 25.63%, respectively. HG1, HG4, HG2, HG3 have the best degradation effect on TP in sewage, and the removal rates are 35.82%, 25.3%, 22.23% and 15.75%. respectively. The experiment has obtained 23 strains of purified bacterial strains isolated from the wet water body of the Yellow River, and the degradation ability of the strain HG1 to CODcr, ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus is the most prominent. The final development of the tree was judged to be Pseudomonas fluorescens.


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