

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-17 14:45

  本文選題:國(guó)家森林公園 + 山地車公園; 參考:《河南農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the rapid process of urbanization in China, the excessive development of cities has brought serious damage to the urban ecological environment and human settlement environment. The polluted air and congested roads in cities are no longer suitable for outdoor sports, especially bicycle sports. At the same time, with the influence of mountain bicycle culture prevailing abroad and the promotion of health awareness and cultural leisure demand of Chinese residents, more and more people in China are also engaged in mountain cycling and other outdoor sports. However, due to the lack of bicycle sports venues to meet the needs of the masses in cities and the relatively slow development of mountain bike parks and other outdoor sports theme parks in China, they cannot meet the rapidly increasing demand of the masses. All this has led to an urgent need for such sites. On the other hand, the number of tourists in China is huge and the distribution is extremely uneven every year. Famous scenic spots are full of tourists in the peak season, which far exceeds their ecological carrying capacity, causing serious damage to the local natural environment. However, most national forest parks are scarce in off-season, wasting a lot of tourist resources. In addition, many national forest parks have serious homogenization problems, lack of their own characteristics, unable to attract a large number of tourists. These are the major constraints on the development of national forest parks. In this paper, the related theory of mountain bicycle park design and the design criterion of national forest park are studied. The successful cases of mountain bike park and bicycle sport theme park in Europe and America are analyzed and studied deeply, and a series of technical parameters, specifications and design methods of mountain bike park design are summarized. Combining the actual conditions of China with the actual needs of China National Forest Park, a design and construction method of mountain bicycle park in China National Forest Park is obtained. That is, combining the planning and design of mountain bike park with the planning and design of national forest park, while satisfying the protection of forest resources in the national forest park, The construction of mountain bike park is carried out by using the design and construction methods and technical specifications of mountain bicycle sports track and track, and the restoration, development, rational utilization and sustainable development of forest resources in the national forest park are achieved. At the same time, through a field survey of the Longyuwan National Forest Park in the west of Henan, we have a certain understanding of its topography, geomorphology, vegetation and current situation, and determine a "service center" suitable for the mountain bicycle park in the National Forest Park. The design of the "two sports areas" features "providing mountain biking experience for biking enthusiasts at different levels in natural mountain forests", making full use of the existing terrain and forest resources of the National Forest Park. Planning and design of mountain bike park based on infrastructure and landscape resources. On the other hand, because the passenger flow of mountain bike parks is relatively concentrated in the time range from the end of spring to the beginning of autumn and there will not be a concentration of tourists on holidays, this is conducive to optimizing the annual distribution of tourists in the National Forest Park. To improve the economic and ecological benefits of the forest park, to improve the utilization of the park's infrastructure and tourism resources, and to enhance the overall image and popularity of the forest park. The most important thing is that it can meet the needs of the majority of mountain biking and outdoor sports enthusiasts, and explore and innovate to provide an example for the park construction with the theme of outdoor sports, recreation and fitness in the future.


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