

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-17 13:40

  本文選題: + 文化。 參考:《中南林業(yè)科技大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The circle is extremely high frequency in the landscape design of the nation and the country. It is of great significance to study the application of the landscape from the cultural background to the landscape and to deepen the connotation. The influence of the circle on the expression of landscape effect can not be underestimated. As the starting point of a cultural symbol, first of all, a preliminary understanding of the definition of the circle and the related basic theory, and the appreciation of the classical existence and appreciation of the circle in the traditional social and cultural life of the Chinese and Western countries. Finally, according to the property of the circle, the application of the circle in the landscape design, the aesthetic features, the application principles and the application method, is made. The main research results of the paper are as follows: (1) the Chinese and Western "round" culture has a long history, from the ancient ornaments "round" aesthetic to the daily necessities, and the application of "round" in the landscape, from Aristotle Ptolemy The creation of the theory of the universe, or the fusion of poetry, tastes the cultural atmosphere of the circle. (2) the paper expounds the shape classification of the circle, which can be divided into the circle, the ellipse, the fan circle and the circle; from the aesthetic point of view, it appreciates the language beauty of the circle, the geometric beauty, the dynamic beauty, the beauty of philosophy and the beauty of thinking. (3) the form of "round" composition is varied and according to a certain arrangement. In the application process of the garden, the "circle" should not only integrate the elements, but also apply its application principles in the process of garden application. In the pursuit of integrity, to find the balance in the relative symmetry, to grasp the proportion and the scale, to grasp the rhythmic beauty of the composition according to a certain rhythm. (4) the application of the "circle" in the garden is varied, whether it is from the plane composition, or the spatial level of the facade, the circle has a very good performance. At the same time, the expression of the circle in the application is through or figurative. Or abstract ways can also enrich the layers and form colorful landscape effects. (5) a case study of Liuheng Dahua mansion Shui Jia Lake Park, from the application mode of the circle, such as plane and three-dimensional, concrete and abstract and so on. According to the relevant design principles, the "round" culture and layout, the connotation of the landscape design are discussed. The relationship between the elements, and the idea of "round" inheritance and innovation.


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