

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-15 18:24

  本文選題:建筑空間 + 紀(jì)念性; 參考:《河北科技大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In the field of architectural landscape design, memorial architectural landscape design is a form of human memorial plot materialization in architectural landscape design. It is a landscape design that recalls history and inherits history through material construction and spiritual continuation. People regard it as a kind of media place, it contains a certain emotion or emotion of human beings, through which people recall and remember historical, cultural or historical figures. Based on the research on the background of the subject, this paper focuses on the spatial expression of the memorial significance in the architectural landscape design, drawing on the outstanding cases of memorial landscape design at home and abroad. This paper attempts to explore the design and expression of memorial landscape in a new way of thinking. The development of memorial architectural landscape design is inseparable from the whole social culture and historical factors, and is also the true mirror of social culture and history. The ultimate purpose is to express the emotional meaning of "memorial". By studying the concept design of the memorial square of Wenchuan earthquake site, the purpose of this subject is to strengthen the sense of place and the sense of existence of the original site, and through the design to let people actively perceive the existence of the site space, so as to restate an important urban historical event. Through designing and creating a relatively suitable expression of psychological emotion, we hope that it can truly integrate into the regional environment and create a new place experience while recounting history.


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