

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-15 16:21

  本文選題:西溪濕地 + 生態(tài)設計 ; 參考:《北京林業(yè)大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the continuous development of the times, ecological wetland landscape design plays an important role in the modern landscape. Good wetland landscape creative design not only has certain environmental ecological functions, such as purifying the environment, regulating the climate, It can also provide practical convenience for people's recreational life and make people enjoy spiritual aesthetic while playing. However, with the continuous progress and development of modern urban society, the wetland area is decreasing day by day, which is seriously threatened by the development of industrialization and urban expansion. How to protect the wetland ecosystem, It has become an important research field and subject of modern landscape design to make better use of it to serve people. Therefore, in view of the important research significance of urban wetland landscape system, this paper will discuss the ecological design of wetland landscape from various angles, and focus on the case study of the landscape design of Xixi Wetland Park in Hangzhou. This paper discusses the successful experience of the park transformation of the wetland system in Xixi Wetland. In this paper, the concept, classification, basic characteristics of wetland landscape ecological design and the basic steps of wetland landscape planning and design are expounded, and then the different strategies of wetland ecological design of Xixi wetland in Hangzhou are discussed. To carry on the field investigation to the Xixi wetland landscape, including the natural history in the landscape, the zoning layout, the waterscape design, the plant design, the garden road design and so on element, On this basis, this paper analyzes how Xixi wetland is integrated into ecological design concept to carry out landscape planning and design, which provides a certain theoretical basis for the planning and design of wetland landscape in the future.


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