

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-15 19:26

  本文選題:苗族 + 掌坳村; 參考:《貴州民族大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:As a representative symbol of the Miao village in the southeastern Guizhou province, Tonggu is a kind of folk music style, which contains the living environment, customs and cultural heritage of the Miao people. Production and life as well as emotional factors are the indispensable part of the daily life of the people of Zhangao and Miao nationality and the external appearance of their spirit. In the process of music development in China, the traditional culture of ethnic minorities is facing a great challenge of modern society, some cultural phenomena gradually fade down or disappear, their survival and development is a problem to be solved urgently, which needs to be protected and supported. Therefore, this paper will promote the protection, inheritance and development of minority cultural heritage through the research on the bronze drum music of the Miao nationality in Qiandongnan, Guizhou province. Starting from the natural environment derived from the Tonggu music and the customs and habits of the Miao people, this paper conducts many field investigations and interviews in Zhangao Village to obtain first-hand information, and on the basis of collecting all kinds of literature, Combining theory with practice, adopting theories and methods of ethnomusicology, musical anthropology, musicology, anthropology, ethnology, etc., from the historical evolution, present situation, morphological characteristics, etc. Changes and inheritance of many aspects of the Zhangao Miao bronze drum music analysis and elaboration. Specifically, this paper mainly covers the following contents: first, the introduction describes the reasons and significance of the author's topic. This paper reviews the current situation of the research on copper drum music and copper drum music in Zhangao and Miao nationality in China, and explains the research methods used. The first chapter describes and introduces the natural and human environment derived from the bronze drum music of Zhangao and Miao nationality. The natural environment mainly introduces the factors such as climate, landform, vegetation, altitude, azimuth, rainfall, crops and so on, and the humanistic environment mainly introduces the institutional evolution, national general situation, cultural beliefs, clothing, food, shelter and so on of Zhangao Miao village. In the second chapter, the origin, type and current situation of the bronze drum of Zhangao and Miao nationality are taken as the starting point, and the origin, the primitive form, the classification of the type of the bronze drum, the spread of the bronze drum, and the custom of the bronze drum are introduced. The form of playing the bronze drum and the musical instrument system of the bronze drum are analyzed and explained. The third chapter mainly describes the form of bronze drum music in Zhangao and Miao nationality. It explores the performance function, method, occasion and content of bronze drum music, and then begins with the music form of bronze drum music, which mainly includes playing sound. The rhythmic rhythm and the representative drum spectrum are analyzed and the artistic characteristics of the bronze drum in Zhangao and Miao nationality are studied. The fourth chapter mainly discusses the evolution and future prospects of bronze drum music inheritance of Zhangao Miao nationality. Respectively from the inheritors, heritage environment and inheritance methods and other aspects of analysis and elaboration, and then from the inheritance of the necessity and measures to put forward ideas, finally, the art of bronze drum professional sublimation prospects. Finally, the conclusion summarizes this paper.


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