

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-14 12:45

  本文選題:TM + 監(jiān)督分類 ; 參考:《西北農林科技大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In this study, Xining city is selected as the research object. The TM remote sensing image of three periods of 19872001 and 2013 in the city is the data source. Using the landscape ecology principle, combined with the forest resources two types of survey data, the dynamic change of Xining forest landscape in the remote sensing digital image processing system and the landscape analysis software system Fragstats3.3 support, the dynamic change of forest landscape in Xining City The analysis is divided into woodland, shrub, woodland, suitable forestland, unforested land and non woodland; landscape analysis is divided into landscape overall level and landscape element type level, and 8 landscape indices, NP, patch area (CA), patch area ratio (PLAND), patch density (PD), and average patch density (AREA-) MN), edge density (ED), Shannon diversity index (SHDI) and Shannon evenness index (SHEI). Through the study, the following main conclusions were obtained: (1) from the landscape level, in 1987, woodland accounted for 3.7326% of the total area, 9.1779% in 2001, and 11.9551% in 2013, and the land use gradually enriched and species diversity increased in the study area. The area of forest patches is increasing, the total number of patches is obviously reduced, the heterogeneity is enhanced, the degree of fragmentation is reduced, the urban greening is strengthened, the vegetation coverage is increased. The area of non woodland has been increasing, and the urban construction is in a state of outward expansion. It is proved that after long-term artificial afforestation, the vegetation coverage is raised, and the ecological restoration is gradually restored, Gai Shansen. The landscape pattern of forest reduced the fragmentation of forest landscape and improved the stability and complexity of forest ecosystem. (2) the fragmentation degree of landscape and the degree of heterogeneity of landscape space were reduced at the level of landscape elements. The diversity index of landscape diversity in the whole region rose first and then dropped from 1987 to 2013, and remained at about 1.2124, and the evenness index was kept. It is also the first rise and then descending, and it is kept at about 0.6767. It shows that the difference of the proportion of various landscape components is gradually narrowing, the distribution of each component in the landscape is more and more uniform, and the situation of one or several landscape components is becoming less and less. These changes indicate that the overall structure of the landscape is balanced by the strengthening of human activities. (3) the landscape type turns. With the increase of forest land and non woodland area, with the increase of population, the economic growth, the city has been expanding, the area of non woodland and construction land is increasing, which will inevitably lead to the reduction of the land expropriation and the area of the woodland. However, with the improvement of consciousness and the call of the corresponding party and state, the greening is constantly strengthened, and the soil is constantly strengthened, soil and soil. Through transformation, shrubs are gradually planted to transform the existing shrubs to woodlands. While building a large number of artificial forests, they also strengthen the protection of the existing woodlands, improve the afforestation coverage, restore the ecology, and fully integrate the humanities, society and environment, and take the sustainable development road.



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