

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-14 13:49

  本文選題:蒙族傳統(tǒng)紋樣 + 現(xiàn)代標(biāo)志設(shè)計(jì) ; 參考:《北方工業(yè)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:This topic selects the sign design as an example, mainly discusses how to drain the nationality content into the modern sign design naturally, Thus, this method can effectively solve some outstanding problems existing in the domestic logo design at present-some design works have already entered the strange circle of blindly applying "Chinese style" and indiscriminately attaching "national wind". Only by really solving these problems can the logo design move to a new height and walk out a road with real national characteristics. Taking the Mongolian traditional pattern as an example, this paper excavates the characteristics of the Mongolian traditional pattern and the essence of "Ugaraji", and combs its main types from the two angles of composition and description of the subject matter. Several methods and suggestions of modern logo design for reference to Mongolian traditional pattern are put forward, and it is advocated to deconstruct, refine and redesign the structure form and composition method of Mongolian traditional pattern. It drains its artistic expression form into modern logo design, rather than simply misappropriating the existing pattern. Secondly, the origin of Mongolian traditional patterns is studied, which is closely related to myths and legends, living environment, religion, rock paintings and Mongolian and Han, and illustrates its specific content. Then the application of Mongolian traditional pattern in modern logo design is investigated and visited. It is found that the application of Mongolian traditional patterns is relatively extensive for the native Mongolian areas, but to some extent there is the problem of copying the existing traditional patterns. However, there have been some classic examples of reference and citation similar to China Unicom logo in non-Mongolian areas. However, due to the limitations of regional culture, the scope of application is not very wide. Then, the paper puts forward a reasonable method of drawing lessons from and applying the traditional patterns of the Mongolian nationality to the design and classification of the signs in the Mongolian region and the non-Mongolian area. Finally, it is proposed that only by digging deeply into the traditional national culture, including the Mongolian traditional pattern, can we truly protect and carry forward the national traditional culture. At the same time, this is the key of modern logo design.


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