

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-14 11:17

  本文選題:鄉(xiāng)土文化 + 城鎮(zhèn)空間。 參考:《重慶大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the development of the western development strategy and the orderly promotion of the small town strategy, the small town in the southwest region has ushered in the historical opportunity of rapid development. However, due to the weak economic base, remote geographical location and lack of human resources, extensive development has become popular, only the expansion of quantity and the lack of quality accumulation. Guizhou, located in the southwest, has been inhabited by ethnic minorities since ancient times. It is the only province in the country without plain support, known as "eight mountains, one water and one field." Therefore, its mountainous small town construction has its particularity. Under this background, this paper studies the present situation of the small town space in the mountainous area of Guizhou and southwest Guizhou province, combs the local context of the small mountain town, and probes into the organic relation between the inheritance of the local culture and the development of the town space. The paper puts forward the development road of small mountain towns with their own regional characteristics and features, and provides strategies and guidelines for the spatial development of small mountain towns in southwest China. This article through Shazi town space design as the introduction, from the local culture and the spatial correlation angle, tries to carry on the organic fusion between the immaterial culture and the material space, excavates the town space cultural connotation, Thus highlighting the regional characteristics of urban space. Taking Shazi Town as an example, the theoretical research and operation are carried out, which provides a reference sample for the development of mountainous small towns in southwest Guizhou Province. This article is divided into five parts, seven chapters. In the first part, the author points out the research background and significance, combs the development of the research, clarifies the research contents, objectives and key problems to be solved, and points out the research framework and characteristics. The second part is the analysis research problem, namely the second, third, four chapters, is the research foundation of this paper. The second chapter points out the inheritance value of local culture through the interpretation of local culture. The third chapter is the research object's investigation and analysis, through the literature investigation, the interview oral, the data collection, the spot investigation, the questionnaire investigation and so on research method, has carried on the investigation to the Shazi town's social development, has summarized its in the industry development, the transportation development. Urban construction, residents' cognition and the present situation of local culture, and the evolvement characteristics of Shazi town's urban space, the difficulties and development characteristics of the town's space under the background of the local culture are also discussed. The fourth chapter introduces the concept of local culture space by exploring the dialectical relationship between local culture and space and then points out the relationship between local culture and urban space. The third part is the strategy part, namely the fifth chapter, is the important content of this paper. The fifth chapter puts forward the urban space design strategy in the view of local culture from the following four aspects: paying attention to evolutionary logic, protecting the originality and structural stability of the cultural ecological environment, establishing the coupling correlation method and expanding the local culture image. Is the core of this paper. The fourth part is the application practice part, namely the sixth chapter. This chapter selects the Shazi town settlement housing district construction detailed planning, Shazi town culture square design and the commercial street style renovation, Sanhe village residence new countryside reconstruction and so on the project case has carried on the theory instruction under the practice. The fifth part is a summary of the full text, namely the seventh chapter. The research results and innovations of the paper are put forward, and the problems and shortcomings in the research process and conclusions are explained.


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