

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-12 07:21

  本文選題:追續(xù)權(quán)制度 + 利益平衡 ; 參考:《西北師范大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The legislation of the system of pursuing the right of continuation is an important step to perfect the copyright law of our country. The balance of interests is the core of the legislation of the system of pursuing the right of continuance, and the core of the legislation of the system of the right of pursuing the continuation. The balance of interests is also the spirit of modern copyright law legislation. The principle of balance of interests has already appeared as early as in Roman law. In ancient China, the measurement of interests was a regularized and procedural system, and it was the coordination of various conflicting factors through the authority of the law. So that the interests of the parties concerned on the basis of coexistence and compatibility to achieve a reasonable state of optimization. From this point of view, the system of pursuing the right of continuation is a powerful means to adjust the imbalance between the interests of artists and artists, and the legislation of the system of pursuing the right of continuation is an opportunity for artists, art dealers and the art trade market. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the legislation of the system of pursuing the right of continuation. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part, the full text of the master, expounds the reason and significance of the author's topic, and analyzes the current situation of the domestic academic circles' research on the legislation of the right of continuation. And the foreign countries that have the system of the right to pursue the continuation of the system of theoretical research. Finally, the author's research ideas and methods are expounded. The second part discusses the basic theoretical research of the system of the right of continuation. First of all, it clarifies the connotation of the right of pursuing continuation; it leads to the nature of the system of the right of pursuing continuation; finally, it briefly describes the value of the system of the right to pursue continuation. From the fair value of the system of pursuing the right of continuance, the idea of the legislation of the system of pursuing the right of continuance is put forward, and the inevitability of the legislation of the system of pursuing the right of continuance is realized. In the third part, the necessity of pursuing the right of continuation is discussed. Firstly, it analyzes the necessity, and then analyzes the domestic basic environment of our country's legislation of the right of continuation. In the fourth part, the author looks forward to the legislation of the system of the right of continuation in our country by drawing lessons from the successful experience of the legislation of the system of the right of continuation abroad. In the most part, on the basis of this, the author puts forward the legislative assumption of the system of the right to pursue the continuation, after putting forward the legislative principle of the system of the right of pursuing the continuation, it concretely expounds the subject and object and the scope of the system of the right of pursuing the continuation, and the mechanism of interest sharing. And the management mechanism of the system. Finally, the change mode of the system.


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