

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-12 14:21

  本文選題:高校校園 + 人文景觀; 參考:《北京建筑大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the advancement of education, the campus landscape planning of colleges and universities has also undergone great changes. "expand, change, change and turn" has become the mainstream trend of campus landscape planning in colleges and universities, and in the process of rapid development, People pay more and more attention to the construction of campus humanistic landscape. Good campus humanistic landscape, can let students in the "moisturizing and quiet" in the subtle influence, and then wake up the mind, understanding, stimulate enthusiasm, help them cultivate a noble and independent personality. This paper takes Daxing Campus of Beijing Construction University as an example to discuss the construction of campus humanistic landscape in detail. This paper expounds the present situation of campus humanistic landscape in colleges and universities at home and abroad, summarizes the achievements and main problems existing so far, introduces the concept, status and function of campus humanistic landscape. The overall thinking and concrete idea of the campus humanistic landscape construction in colleges and universities; and taking the Daxing campus of Beijing Construction University as an example to analyze the existing campus landscape situation; summarize the overall thinking of the humanities landscape construction in Daxing Campus. Finally, it lists the plan and specific supplementary measures of campus humanistic landscape planning in Daxing Campus. Because Daxing campus is still in the process of construction by stages, the author only puts forward the corresponding plan according to the present situation of campus humanistic landscape, in order to give full play to the function of campus humanistic landscape and provide better service for teachers and students of our school.


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