

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-12 07:13

  本文選題:小城鎮(zhèn) + 規(guī)劃設(shè)計; 參考:《河北師范大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:At present, developing small towns is a major strategy of the country. The new national urbanization plan (2014-2020 years) has just been introduced. The planning of small towns should always adhere to the core concept of people-oriented planning, change the way of development in small towns, the space carrier of small towns and the reform of Urbanization system. At the same time, in the development of the small towns in China, the traditional style and features are disappearing, the urban planning is not reasonable, the urban greening is not up to the standard, the landscape design is not beautiful, the urban enterprise is not short and the sewage discharge is not reasonable and so on, but the problem of the "crisis" is more and more prominent. Small towns have become a major issue in the planning and construction of small towns. Urban design and planning should be coordinated by "three rules" as a platform for global planning. The land use, urban layout, public facilities, economic development, ecological protection and so on are carried out comprehensively. The relevant works of town planning and design research, literature, and the lack of relevant research on urban planning, only have the orientation of the policy level, and the simple introduction of the present situation. In view of the case analysis of some environmental design cases, and the lack of the main theoretical basis for the related research, only the urban planning and the city are attached to the city planning and the city. Design and other related disciplines, and lack of systematic, independent and in-depth study of theoretical methods. This paper mainly tries to build a theoretical framework of small town planning and design, and further studies the planning and design methods of small towns. In the process of research, we constantly innovate ideas and update the theoretical research and design ideas of small town construction in time. Supplementing, strengthening and improving the application value of the landscape art design theory, and guiding the practical application of the combination of practice and theory. This paper is a starting point for the investigation and study of the actual situation in the southern region of Shijiazhuang. The regional characteristics are prominent, located in the east of the Taihang Mountains, mainly including Yuanshi County, Gaoyi County, Zanhuang county. The three counties are large. The hills, hillsides and the barren land in the front of the mountain, the beach land and so on, these terrain and resources can be adapted to local conditions, are well used as industrial land, attract new industrial projects and the enterprises in Shijiazhuang change to this point. To build small towns as a turning point, improve the resources advantage of the region, improve the environment and overall planning, improve the industrial agglomeration, and invest in the introduction of investment. On the basis of the field investigation, this paper studies the design from the perspective of design thinking and engineering thinking, and points out some problems in the planning and design of small towns, including architectural design, block planning, and road rules on the basis of field investigation. The design, the environment design, the water landscape design, the urban characteristic design and so on, and through the research and Research on the planning and design of Zanhuang County town planning and design, seek the suitable and humanized planning and development model of the small town. Through the analysis of the present situation, the research and research, the research and the experiment are one, and the planning of the small towns is planned. The design is designed to build a scientific and rational planning, suitable and humanized small town design. Taking the small town of southern Shijiazhuang in North China as a case, through the research and Research on the planning and design of the planning and design of Nantou town in Zanhuang County, the actual case is the main case and the detailed analysis is made to seek the suitable human nature. Based on the analysis of local natural resources, social and economic development, tourism resources, road status, construction conditions along the line, hydrogeological conditions and regional development advantages, some reasonable suggestions are put forward for the planning and design of local small towns. The planning and design of small towns should not only be reasonable. We should make use of resources, optimize the ecological environment, improve the level of human settlement, change the concept of survival, and the excavation of the main characteristic culture, create a scientific and orderly cultural landscape and cultural atmosphere, and build a beautiful and harmonious home for sustainable development.



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