

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-12 04:06

  本文選題:連環(huán)畫 + 油畫連環(huán)畫; 參考:《河北師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The painting form comic drawing is a comic painting with the features of a comic picture and oil painting. As a part of the comic picture, it greatly enhanced the artistry of the comic picture. From the historical and artistic perspectives of the oil painting comic book, this article traced its development track and through the division of the art works. The author also analyzes the artistic features of the oil painting comic book. The author also analyzes the current situation of the development of the oil painting comic book, and puts forward the innovative ways in line with the present. The article is divided into five parts. The first part expounds the background of the problem, the purpose and the significance of the research, and the existing research on the painting comic painting. It is found that in the study of comic paintings, the academic circle lacks the relative systematic study of the individual art forms of the comic picture. The second part introduces the historical origin of the comic picture from the concept of the comic picture, because the serial painting tools are useful in drawing the features of the story, so the earliest comic paintings can be traced back to the grotto frescoes of the original period. In the third part, the author first analyzed the reasons for the appearance of the painting form, and analyzed three aspects from the social point of view, first in the stable political environment, the policy is big. After the improvement of the living standard of the people, after the improvement of the living standard of the people, the urgent need for the culture and art is needed. Finally, because the comic industry has become the economic pillar of the publishers, the rich remuneration attracts many oil painters, and enriches the creators of the painting comic paintings. Then, the author From the painter's point of view, it is found that the oil painting comic book not only provides convenience to their lives, but also provides an excellent venue for oil painting artists to show their talent and skill in terms of artistic experience. Finally, the author makes a detailed exposition of the development process of oil painting comic paintings, and introduces the advantages of different periods in detail. The fourth part, as the key chapter of this paper, mainly discusses the artistic features and values of the painting form comic. In terms of artistic features, the form of the painting form comic is a unique art which combines the characteristics of oil painting and comic paintings. The painting comic paintings not only change the state of the traditional comic paintings, which are mainly written in words and paintings as a supplement, but also absorb and draw on the painting methods, techniques and colors that have been formed after hundreds of years of development, and greatly enriched the artistic language. Painting materials, tools, techniques, virtual space and color are discussed in detail. Although the painting comic book has retained the characteristics of continuity, it has a strong subjectivity, and the painter can do it according to its own needs. In addition, the exact shape of the painting comic painting makes it very realistic. As for the artistic value, oil painting is even more concerned. The ring painting is not only conducive to the protection of the works, reduces the waste of art, but also changes the relationship between literature and painting, and enriches the form of the comic book. Finally, it mainly analyzes the current situation of the current form of comic paintings in oil painting and points out its future innovation direction. The oil painting comic book has entered the transition period in twenty-first Century and changed from the original popular reading material. Change into art, from the bookstore into the exhibition hall, from the mass market into the collection market. Although the overall development trend of the painting comic picture is still forward, there are still some problems. I stand at the present social angle, in view of the different reader groups, from the selection of the subject matter, to the creation, to the development, and to the promotion, to combine the oil painting comic paintings. The characteristics put forward the innovation hypothesis, and open up the direction for the development of oil painting.



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