

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-12 02:17

  本文選題:克雷洛夫寓言 + 寓意承載; 參考:《華中師范大學》2016年碩士論文

【摘要】:伊萬·安德烈耶維奇·克雷洛夫是俄羅斯作家中,以寓言的形式深入俄羅斯人民生活、俄羅斯思想和語言的第一人!犊死茁宸蛟⒀约肥堑谝槐救w俄羅斯人從宮廷到農(nóng)民都能閱讀的書籍?死茁宸蛘Z言是人民的語言,它通俗易懂,甚至許多詩句都已成為人們喜愛的格言。普希金稱克雷洛夫為“最具有人民性的詩人”。果戈里說“克雷洛夫的寓言是人民的財富,是一部記錄人民智慧的書”1。讀者可以從他的寓言里看到當時的整個俄羅斯世界。從內(nèi)容上看,克雷洛夫寓言揭露了俄羅斯農(nóng)奴制社會的黑暗,官僚專制主義的罪惡,農(nóng)奴地主、貴族、權(quán)臣直至沙皇的殘暴與昏庸,同時歌頌了勞動人民的勤勞和聰慧,表達了對人民和祖國的熱愛。此外,我們從他的寓言中可以學到異常豐富的文學創(chuàng)作的藝術(shù)手法。克雷洛夫繼承和發(fā)展了伊索、拉封丹等人的寓言,他以物寓人,以小寓大,借古諷今,把寓言的諷刺性效果發(fā)揮到極致。同時他注重對人物動作、表情、心理等細節(jié)的描寫,把劇中人物形象刻畫得栩栩如生,使人物性格展現(xiàn)得淋漓盡致。從《詩學》的角度來看,克雷洛夫摹仿生活,摹仿古人,同時對人物和事件進行了合理的藝術(shù)虛構(gòu),他的寓言是摹仿和虛構(gòu)統(tǒng)一的完美。在對寓言情節(jié)的處理方面,符合亞里士多德的情節(jié)中心論的觀點,他注重情節(jié)的完整統(tǒng)一,同時利用情節(jié)的“突轉(zhuǎn)”和“發(fā)現(xiàn)”使劇情的矛盾沖突變得更加集中激烈,產(chǎn)生強烈的藝術(shù)效果?死茁宸蛟⒀允莾(yōu)美的,是輕松快樂的,同時充滿睿智和風趣,給人生活上的教育和啟迪,克雷洛夫在寓言中實現(xiàn)了賀拉斯提出的關于文藝作品“寓教于樂”的價值。在俄羅斯,對克雷洛夫的研究主要分為以下幾個方面:1)C.H.(?).CTeΠaHOB等對克雷洛夫生平及其創(chuàng)造的研究:詳細地介紹了克雷洛夫的文學創(chuàng)作道路以及當時社會政治環(huán)境對其創(chuàng)作的影響;2)B.B.B(?)對克雷洛夫寓言語體修辭的研究,指出克雷洛夫以一種新的方式,比普希金更早地將不同的語體運用到自己的寓言創(chuàng)作中;3)A.C.OpΠOB等把克雷洛夫寓言和俄羅斯其他寓言家的作品進行了對比研究,指出,克雷洛夫與俄羅斯其他寓言家,如A.Π.CyMapOKOB,B.H.(?)和(?)相比,在語言表達上更加貼近人民,更富有表現(xiàn)力;4)B.H.KopoBHH分析了克雷洛夫寓言中所表達的思想:對沙皇政府的不滿,對人民的同情和贊美,愛國主義思想以及對生活的解釋和批判;5)A.A.(?)等研究了克雷洛夫創(chuàng)作對俄羅斯文學發(fā)展的影響,并指出克雷洛夫語言是俄羅斯言語文化的重要組成部分,其寓言為文學傳統(tǒng)與俄語口語結(jié)合指明了發(fā)展方向,為后世普希金、格里鮑耶陀夫的創(chuàng)作奠定了基礎。除此之外,K(?) P C.編纂了克雷洛夫寓言詞典,詞典收錄了克雷洛夫198篇寓言里的全部單詞及成語,并對其意義作了詳細的闡釋。國內(nèi),對克雷洛夫寓言的研究主要集中于分析其寓言所表達的思想方面。如:《試論克雷洛夫寓言的人民性》(王培青)中指出,克雷洛夫寓言不朽的價值正是在于他直接或者間接地表達了俄羅斯人民的利益,促進了人民的解放斗爭;《克雷洛夫寓言的現(xiàn)實主義》(徐強華)從克雷洛夫寓言中所表現(xiàn)出來的反對沙皇、關心人民以及愛國主義思想三個角度來論述其寓言的現(xiàn)實主義特點。除此之外,國內(nèi)翻譯大師從理論和實踐方面對寓言翻譯進行了研究,因此,國內(nèi)讀者可以看到不同翻譯版本的《克雷洛夫寓言集》。雖然國內(nèi)外對克雷洛夫及其寓言的研究都取得了很大的成就,但是我們認為對克雷洛夫寓言創(chuàng)作藝術(shù)特點的研究還不夠深入,缺乏從詩學的角度分析其寓言創(chuàng)作特點。因此本文將從寓言的寓意、寓言的藝術(shù)特色包括人物形象塑造、諷刺藝術(shù),以及從詩學的角度對克雷洛夫寓言的創(chuàng)作特點進行詳細的分析闡述。本文由導論、正文和結(jié)語三部分組成。導論將介紹本論文的研究歷史和現(xiàn)狀,并指出論文的研究目的及任務,理論意義與實踐意義,以及創(chuàng)新之處。正文由四章構(gòu)成。第一章對克雷洛夫生平作了簡要介紹,分析了他選擇寓言這種體裁作為自己的文學創(chuàng)作事業(yè)與個人性格、親身經(jīng)歷以及當時的社會政治環(huán)境的關系,同時分析克雷洛夫寓言的語言特點,把各種語體融合于寓言中,體現(xiàn)了俄羅斯人民生活的方方面面,深受廣大人民的喜愛。第二章主要是剖析寓言的寓意,并指出其寓意主要有三大類:批判農(nóng)奴制度和沙皇的統(tǒng)治,表達自己的愛國思想,以及對理論在社會中作用的哲學思考(尤其是法國大革命失敗后,雅各賓派的恐怖政策和拿破侖的侵略戰(zhàn)爭引起克雷洛夫?qū)⒚芍髁x思想的反思)。第三章深入探究克雷洛夫寓言的藝術(shù)特色,其中包括寓言中各類形象的分類;通過語言、動作、心理描寫對形象的塑造;以及借助于擬人、夸張、對比、反諷等修辭手法達到寓言的諷刺效果。第四章運用詩學理論對克雷洛夫寓言進行分析,揭示出克雷洛夫寓言摹仿和虛構(gòu)完美的統(tǒng)一,以及在情節(jié)處理上的獨特之處。結(jié)語部分對克雷洛夫寓言創(chuàng)作特點進行了概括和總結(jié),并指出克雷洛夫寓言在俄羅斯文學史上的重要地位及今后研究方向。由于本人學識有限,經(jīng)驗欠缺,文章中的一些觀點有待挖掘商榷,缺點和錯誤,懇請批評指正。
[Abstract]:Ivan Andreyevich Krylov is a Russian writer, in the form of allegory to go deep into the life of the Russian people, the first person in Russian thought and language. The "Krylov fable" is the first book all Russians can read from the court to the peasants. The language of Krylov is the language of the people. It is easy to understand and even understand. Many poems have become popular adages. Pushkin called Krylov "the most popular poet". Gogol said "the fable of Krylov is the wealth of the people and a book on the wisdom of the people." 1. readers can see the whole Russian world from his fable. From the content, Krylov reside. It revealed the darkness of the Russian serfdom society, the evil of bureaucratic despotism, the serf landlord, the aristocracy, the authority and the Czar's brutality and fatality, and the diligence and wisdom of the working people, and the love of the people and the motherland. In addition, we can learn the abnormally rich art of literary creation from his words. Creuf inherits and develops the allegory of Aesop, La Fontaine and others. He uses things to contain people and to make the satirical effects of the fables to the extreme. At the same time, he pays attention to the description of the characters' action, expression, psychology and other details, portrays the characters in the play vividly, and makes the character's character vividly. From the point of view of learning, he imitates life and imitates the ancients. At the same time, he makes reasonable artistic fictions for the characters and events. His allegory is the perfect unity of imitation and fiction. In the treatment of the allegorical plot, he is in line with the point of view of Aristotle's plot centrism, he pays attention to the complete unity of the plot, and uses the plot. The conflict and the discovery make the conflict of the plot more intense and intense and produce strong artistic effect. Krylov's fable is beautiful, is relaxed and happy, is full of wisdom and humour, and gives the education and Enlightenment of people's life, and Krylov has realized "parable" in the fable about literary and artistic works by Horace. In Russia, the study of Krylov is divided into the following aspects: 1) C.H. (?).CTe aHOB and other studies on the life and creation of Krylov: detailed description of Krylov's literary creation road and the influence of social and political environment on his creation; 2) B.B.B (?) to Krylov's fable style of speech The research points out that Krylov, in a new way, applies different languages earlier than Pushkin to his own fable creation; 3) A.C.Op OB and so on, compared Krylov fable with other Russian allegorical works, pointing out that Krylov and other allegorical families of Russian Ross, such as A..CyMapOKOB, B.H. (?) and (?) Compared with the people, more expressive in language expression; 4) B.H.KopoBHH analyzed the ideas expressed in Krylov's Fable: sympathy for the Czar government, sympathy and praise to the people, patriotism and criticism of life; 5) A.A. (?) research on the development of Russian literature. It also points out that Krylov language is an important part of Russian language culture. His allegory indicates the development direction of the combination of literary tradition and Russian spoken language, which lays the foundation for the creation of Pushkin and Gerry Bowyer Torf in later generations. In addition, K (?) P C. compiled a Krylov fable dictionary, and the dictionary includes Krylov 198 All the words and idioms in the fable are explained in detail. In China, the study of Krylov's fable mainly focuses on the analysis of the ideological aspects of his fable. For example, "on the people's nature of Krylov's fable" (Wang Peiqing) points out that the value of the immortality of Krylov's fable is directly or indirectly. To express the interests of the Russian people and promote the struggle for the liberation of the people, the realism > (Xu Qianghua) of Krylov's Fable (Xu Qianghua) discussed the realistic characteristics of the fable from three angles, such as the Czar, the people and the patriotism in the fable of Krylov's fable. The translation of fables is studied in the field of practice, so the domestic readers can see the Krylov fable set of different translations. Although both at home and abroad have made great achievements in the study of Krylov and his fable, we think that the research on the artistic features of Krylov's fable is not deep enough and lacks from the poetics. This article will make a detailed analysis of the artistic features of Krylov's fable from the parable of the fable, including the characterization of the characters, the art of satire, and the poetics. This article is composed of three parts: introduction, text and knot. Introduction will introduce the research of this thesis. History and present situation, and point out the purpose and task of the research, theoretical significance and practical significance, and innovation. The text is composed of four chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces Krylov's life, and analyzes his choice of allegory as his own literary creation and personal character, personal experience and social politics at that time. The relationship of the environment, the analysis of the linguistic features of Krylov's fable, and the fusion of various forms to fables, embodies all aspects of the life of the Russian people, and is deeply loved by the masses. The second chapter mainly analyzes the allegorical meaning of the allegory, and points out that its allegory mainly includes three categories: criticizing the serf system and the rule of the Czar, expressing himself. The patriotic thought and the philosophical thinking about the role of theory in society (especially after the failure of the French Revolution, Napoleon's war of aggression and the reflection of Krylov's war of aggression). The third chapter explores the artistic features of Krylov's fable, including the various kinds of images in the fables. Class; through the language, action, psychological description of the image of the molding; and the use of personification, exaggeration, contrast, irony and other rhetorical devices to reach the satirical effect of allegorical. The fourth chapter uses the poetic theory to analyze Krylov's fable, revealing the unity of Krylov fable and fictional perfection, as well as the unique plot processing. The concluding part summarizes and summarizes the characteristics of Krylov's fable creation, and points out the important position and future research direction of Krylov's fable in the history of Russian literature. Because of my limited knowledge and lack of experience, some points in the article need to be discussed, lack and error, and the critique is corrected.



相關期刊論文 前10條

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7 盛美娣;;媭克雷洛夫寓言札,




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